Endeavour Hub
South Gloucestershire Learning Alliance
As part of an exciting but ever changing education climate, it is vital to be outward looking and collaborative to ensure the best outcomes both for our own children but also for those of the schools around us. To ensure that the systems and structures exist to challenge and support the leadership of every school, the South Gloucestershire Learning Alliance (SGLA) was created in 2018 by Heads with a shared vision of ensuring that South Gloucestershire is a ‘PLACE WHERE WE ALL SHARE RESPONSIBILITY FOR IMPROVING THE LIFE CHANCES OF ALL OUR CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE‘.
The SGLA aims to ensure learning excellence in all participating schools with no school being without the supportive help of colleagues working together for the benefit of all. The Alliance is structured with a series of Hubs working in close partnership under the umbrella of the Alliance Board. The Hub we are part of is Endeavour hub, which consists of four diverse, forward thinking and successful schools.
The ways that the learning alliance works together include –
Our Endeavour Hub partners are
We are so proud to be part of such a forward thinking, aspirational hub and although each school is distinctly different in size, demographic, location, context and ethos, it is our differences and willingness to learn from each other that becomes our greatest strength. With a shared CSP, as well as a wealth of shared learning opportunities, we are able to facilitate growth for staff at all levels within our schools while reflecting on our practice and evolving our curriculum offer to the children within our care.
Our shared priorities and opportunities for collaboration during 2024-2025 include the following:
1. Cognition and Learning – Inset launch of EEF and pedagogical approaches
2. Subject leadership development and impact - Music, science and PE focus
3. Attendance – Inset focus and HT agenda item to share best practice, structures and approaches to tackle persistent absences