
Barley Close Community Primary School
Resilience, Kindness and Curiosity

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Term 1

6th September

Wow what a great start to a new term and the school year! The class seem to have returned with a positive attitude to work and were really keen to start learning about ancient Egypt.

I hope you all had a lovely summer, even though it definitely feels like Autumn now!


The children have been doing place value in Maths and recapping grammar skills in English. They made a paper pyramid and used hieroglyphics to decorate it and they also used an atlas to locate Egypt. In Art, they have drawn the other half of their face - which will be displayed all year in the classroom; you must see these when it's meet the teacher!


They had their first French lesson with Mrs G, which they all loved and can't wait for the next one! In PE, we did some overarm throwing and retrieving and of course it was their first swimming lesson today.


I cannot believe how bad the weather was on Thursday! At least Friday was slightly drier!

The spellings for next week are:











The test will be on Friday and they will need their spelling books for the test and so the new spellings can be stuck in.


Reading records will be checked on Monday morning so please make sure you are signing their books. They can change their own book when they have read it.


My Maths and TTRS homework has also been set and it's great to see so many children actually having a go. Thank you for your patience this week as it is harder to recognise faces the first few weeks at the end of the day.

Have a good weekend and looking forward to another week of learning.

Mrs Watts


Friday 13th,

That's the end of the first full week so I expect they are all tired, especially after swimming today. We continued with number and place value in Maths, especially rounding and in English, we read the book 'The Wolves in the Walls'. They really enjoyed it and they are going to think about which other animals could be in the walls ready for their narrative next week. 

In Science, we discussed solids, liquids and gases and in History, they considered reasons why the River Nile was so important to the Eqyptians. In RE, we looked at Judaism and they practised their French vocabulary with Mrs G. 

The children did really well with the spellings and the new ones are:












I was impressed with the number of children who completed both the My Maths and TTRS homework and also read 5 or more times at home. There will be a new homework set each Tuesday. 

Have a great weekend.

Mrs Watts

Just a quick reminder that you can come and have a chat and look at your children's work on Thursday 19th September or Tuesday 24th September from 3:15pm.

It's Meet the Teacher and it would be lovely if you could pop in, even for 5 minutes, just to see some of their work on display. 

Look forward to seeing you.

Mrs Watts

20th September

What a great week we have had! It was lovely to see so many of you after school yesterday and I hope you enjoyed looking at your child's work. Don't worry if you missed it, as there is another Meet the Teacher on Tuesday 24th September from 3:15pm.


Congratulations to all those children elected by their class to be Young Leaders. 

In Maths, we have been doing addition calculations and really focusing on their presentation. Next week, it's subtraction. In English, they wrote their story about what happened when their own choice of animal came out of the walls; some of them were really funny.

In Science, we tested which liquid would be the slowest, which was salad cream and in Art, they worked on their sketching skills and studied the work of Salvador Dali.

As we continue with the Ancient Egyptians in History, they know about the importance of the River Nile and have studied some of the Pharaohs; I hope they are sharing this learning with you!

We listened to another song, 'Teddy Bear', by Elvis and they learnt the hand jive too.

The spellings are:












Please continue to read with your child and sign their reading records and encourage them to do TTRS and My Maths online.

Have a great week.

Mrs Watts


27th September

It's been another busy week and in History, we learnt about when Howard Carter found Tutankhamun's tomb and all the gold that was inside. In English, the children have started writing instructions and in Maths we focussed on subtraction.

We had great fun with balloons on Monday and investigating whether gas has weight. They needed to complete 3 different investigations and it was lovely to see them enjoying themselves as they are more likely to learn when they do!

In Music, they tried to create their own hand jive routine to parts of 'Rock around the clock' and then I played them Elvis singing Blue Suede Shoes. This afternoon, they investigated the program Scratch in computing and they almost have enough class points for a party! Maybe Monday, they will reach the target. 

The spellings are:












Don't forget to check Parent pay for the trip letter. Please encourage your child to read aloud at least 5 times a week and there is My Maths and TTRS homework they can do, especially when it is raining! At the moment we are practising 3, 4 and 8 times tables so I will find some fun songs for them to listen to at home.


Have a great week.

Mrs Watts                           4 times table                             3 times table                                8 times table

Class party on the afternoon of Wednesday 2nd October.

The children can bring in games, craft activities or other games from home if they want. 

Please no electronics.

I have games and Lego in the classroom so they don't have to bring in anything.

School clothes as normal please.

4th October,

The class party went really well on Wednesday afternoon and it was lovely to see children playing together or making bracelets together or colouring. We did go outside and play on the Challenge as well. Only another 19 class points for another party!

In English, they wrote a set of instructions for how to trap a wolf and then thought of their own idea, such as Santa! In Maths, we have been working on multiplication and they have been practising the grid method and successfully been able to solve problems using this method. Next week it is division.

In Science they investigated candle wax being a solid, liquid and back to a solid! Monday is a really fun Science lesson! In History they found out about some of the ancient Egyptian Gods and this afternoon they used charcoal to draw a cube and sphere (Art Hub for KIds is so good for showing the shading).


Next week is very busy. On Wednesday, it's our trip to the Museum where we will be taking part in the Egyptian workshop. Therefore PE will be on Thursday instead. There is an INSET day on Friday so the spelling test will be on the Thursday.

The new spellings are:












Please continue to hear your child read at least 5 times a week and encourage them to do the TTRS and My Maths homework. Thank you.


Have a good week.

Mrs Watts

10th October,

It has been a really busy week and we have achieved so much! I think they will all want a rest over the next 3 days and hopefully plenty of fresh air too!

Firstly, we started with ice balloons on Monday and they watched what happened when food colouring was poured on them. You may have seen them on the wall when you collected your child! They have also 'mummified' a tomato or orange which was messy because they needed to remove all the 'stuff' inside first. We will have to see if it worked!

On Tuesday, they learnt about the stages of mummification through drama and then explaining using pictures and writing. Then on Wednesday they actually saw 1 in the museum!


The trip was brilliant and all the adults were so proud of the children because they have learnt so much about the Ancient Egyptians and could share this knowledge with the person in charge of the workshop. The children were able to handle artefacts, work out what they were and how they would be used. It was great to see them so interested in this activity and really thinking about their use. They saw so many interesting displays in the Museum and I hope they shared this with you too. 


I would like to thank all the adults who helped, especially the 2 parents who joined us, and I hope they enjoyed the trip too. 

Today they took part in agility activities led by the Year 5 children which really tired them out! 

The spellings for next week are:












The test will be on Friday. Wednesday will be PE and swimming on Friday.

There is homework on My Maths and TTRS and continue to hear your child read at least 5 times a week. Please tell your child to change their book themselves as soon as they come into school on a morning. We do tell them as well.

Have a great 3 days.

Mrs Watts



18th October

I can't believe the class have enough points for another class party which will be a great way to end the first term (Friday afternoon). They enjoyed the last party so much that they want to do the same which is to bring in board games, arts and crafts and other games. 


This week, the children had a workshop with Kyle from the Bristol Hippodrome. He did some great activities with them; my favourite being the puppets made from 3 rolls of paper!

They wrote their character descriptions in English and we have started time in Maths. Please ask them the time on a regular basis so they can practise this important skill. In Science, we tried freezing different liquids - salt water took a day to freeze.

In Art, they drew pyramids from different angles and thought about shadows and they played a baseline  on the glockenspiels in Music. 

The pool was closed today to be checked, so the children did PE with Jaz on the playground in the morning sun.

The spellings are the months of the year and the test will be on Friday as normal.

The children did TTRS at school this afternoon but there is My Maths homework which is also practising their times tables.


Next week is going to be interesting as the children have a workshop Wednesday afternoon which will be coding. 

Have a good weekend. See you next week.

Mrs Watts


26th October

It was a wonderful end to a busy term with a great class party and all the children seemed to enjoy doing their own activities; they are already on their way to another party!


This week, in Maths, we continued with time, including digital time, and solving word problems during calculation lessons. In English, they are writing diary entries linked to the book Kaspar. They are really enjoying this type of writing. In Science, we discussed the water cycle and in History, they wrote a quiz for another child to answer about the Ancient Egyptians.


On Wednesday afternoon, they made robots and used coding to make it move along a track. Jack brought all the equipment and taught the Year 3 and 4 how to control their robot. The children thoroughly enjoyed this activity and learnt so much in a short amount of time. Thank you to Mrs Norman for organising this. I do hope your child told you all about it.

The next list of spellings are:











The spelling test is on 8th November.


There is no TTRS homework this week but they can have fun exploring the other games and activities. I will set 2 My Maths homework for all those who do it on a regular basis.

PE next term will be on a Wednesday and Friday (no swimming).


Have a lovely week and hopefully the sun will be shining so we can all enjoy going out. 

See you on Monday 4th November.

Mrs Watts 

  • Barley Close Community Primary School
  • Barley Close, Mangotsfield, Bristol
  • United Kingdom, BS16 9DL
  • Tel: 01454 867090
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