8th November,
I hope you had a lovely week off and are enjoying the fireworks and other autumn events.
It was a really good start to a new term and most of the children seemed happy to be back.
We have continued diary entries and they wrote about their holiday in the style of a diary which I really enjoyed reading. In Maths, we are learning about the place value of 4-digit numbers and we are also doing both addition and subtraction calculations with 4-digit numbers, in Arithmetic. Next week, it is rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000 - they do find this tricky so any practising would really benefit your child.
We will be studying the UK in Geography this term. We started by identifying counties in this area and hopefully they know which county the school is in. Do they know which county they live in? As it was the 5th November on Tuesday, I chose a piece of text which explained the Gunpowder Plot. We have entered an Art Competition (I will put the poster on here too) and they drew, painted and coloured pictures linked to the Ancient Egyptians.
We did a session of TTRS today, as they really need to be learning and practising their times tables on a regular basis, so it may mean they have nearly completed their 25 minutes. There is My Maths homework for them to do as well (2 a week) and can you please continue to hear your child read at home and sign their reading records. These will still be collected every Monday morning. Spelling books are needed on a Friday ready for the test.
Here are the spellings for next week:
PE is on a Wednesday afternoon and on a Friday, which will always be outdoors this term.
Next week is anti-bullying week so your child is allowed to wear odd socks on Tuesday. It's also Children in Need day on Friday which means they can wear their own clothes to school. We also have a Road Safety workshop Friday afternoon. It will be another busy week.
Have a good weekend.
Mrs Watts
15th November
What a lovely end to a busy week with Children in Need day and a class party to look forward to next week. This afternoon they received the final 2 class points for good listening and participation in the Road Safety activities. This included the Green Cross Code, bike safety, crossing roads safely and the importance of wearing a seat belt; please read the letter they brought home today.
In English, they started writing their stories, linked to the book Kaspar, about when the Titanic started to sink. They are going to be writing dialogue and hopefully using different words for said. In Maths, they continued with rounding numbers and practised grid multiplication again. Next week is Parent's Evening and it will be great for you see the progress they have made since September.
In Science, the children did a variety of activities linked to sound and needed to think about the word 'vibrate'. In Geography, we used an atlas to look at the different regions of England and on Monday, we read the poem 'Flanders Fields' and they drew a poppy for Remembrance Day.
As it was anti-bullying week, they wrote an acrostic poem linked to one of the important words they had been talking about, such as respect and kindness.
The spellings are:
Please continue to hear your child read and record this in their reading records and encourage them to do TTRS and My Maths.
It is the Winter Fayre next Friday from 5-7:30pm so the children can wear their own clothes to school and bring in a chocolate bar. For the class party on Friday afternoon, your child can bring in board games, craft items, card games or their own toy so they can play with their friends (no electronic games please).
Have a great weekend and I look forward to speaking to you at Parent's Evening.
Mrs Watts
23rd November
The party was a great way to end the week followed by the Winter Fayre. It was lovely to see so many of you there having fun! I also hoped you liked looking at your children's work and seeing the progress they have made since September. If you were unable to come to Parent's evening, then let me know as we can always have a chat after school.
They wrote their stories in English and started working on measures in Maths. They measured using metres, centimetres and millimetres and did some converting of measures; next week it is perimeter. In Science, they tested different materials to see what sound travels through and in Geography they located some of the major cities in the UK. In RE, we are learning about Sikhism and started with the 5Ks.
The spellings next week are:
Please continue to read with your child and sign their reading records. There is My Maths and TTRS homework to do. Have a good week.
Mrs Watts
29th November
I do hope all of you are keeping well as there seems to be a lot of illnesses around at the moment and I look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday (don't forget there as an INSET day on Monday so school is closed).
Back to this week. They wrote a balanced argument about wearing school uniform and it seems the majority like wearing it! Next week, we will write an argument about limiting daily screen time to 1 hour which should produce a lively discussion. In Maths, they practised 4 digit addition and how to calculate the perimeter of shapes. They investigated pitch in Science and used body percussion to create a simple rhythm using boom, kaboom, clap and click. We looked at climate zones in Geography and they made 1 door for the class advent calendar.
Next week is test week which will start on Tuesday. They will also be watching a pantomime at school on Wednesday and PE is on Thursday and Friday next week. Sounds like a mix of fun and work! The spellings are:
We did TTRS at school this afternoon so they may have completed their time this week. There is still My Maths and reading to continue with. Have a lovely 3 days.
Advent starts on Sunday so I'm sure the decorations are on their way up!
Mrs Watts
6th December,
I hope you all enjoyed the extra day with your children and were able to go out and do something special. They have had a busy 4 days with the assessments which we were able to complete yesterday. They all worked hard and there were no worries or panics and it was great to see the progress they have made in year 4 already.
They watched the pantomime on Wednesday morning and had an enjoyable PE lesson with Alex yesterday. In English, they have written balanced arguments and in Maths we have been learning about area. In Science they explored volume (related to sound)and in Geography, renewable energy. This afternoon we had a great PE lesson practising their netball skills and they created a 5 point star using a pentagon shape. Next week, we will try a 6 point star.
The spellings for next week are homophones so they will need to know the meaning of the word as well as being able to spell them.
Next week is also busy. We have The Dogs Trust workshop on Monday, watching the Key Stage 1 performance on Tuesday and hopefully cooking on Thursday. Christmas lunch is on Wednesday and Christmas jumper day is on Friday.
However, we will still be working as normal and there is still TTRS, My Maths and reading homework to do.
Have a good week.
Mrs Watts
13th December,
Only 1 more week to go. This week, we watched the Key Stage 1 dress rehearsal, which was brilliant with some real feel good songs to join in with. Both the children and adults have obviously worked hard. We also had the Dogs Trust workshop which was fun and informative; even the adults learnt new ways to be safe near dogs.
Thursday morning, we made pizza using a dough made from flour and yogurt. The children enjoyed both making and eating them! Next week, we will be doing some sewing - I believe all these skills are important to practice.
In Maths, we finished work on area and next week they will be doing work on co-ordinates. We finished the Science unit on sound by trying to play 1 instrument at different volumes - the children did well with this. For Geography, they tried to compare Athens with London and wrote 5 facts about each. For English, I was teaching them how to use a dictionary and thesaurus which we will continue next week. The spellings for next week are still homophones:
The test will be on Thursday morning.
Mr Keeping, their teacher from term 3 to the end of term 6, spent Friday afternoon with them and he will be doing the same Monday afternoon. The children will write a letter to him on Monday morning.
Reading records will be collected in on Monday and returned to them. Please remind them to change their books on a morning. Please encourage your child to continue doing My Maths and TTRS as it helps them to remember methods of calculation and number facts.
It has been a great 2 terms with Year 4 and Friday is non-uniform day and our final class party of 2024.
Have a great week.
Mrs Watts