
Barley Close Community Primary School
Resilience, Kindness and Curiosity

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Yr1- Panther

Panther Class 2024-25



In Panther Class we are Great Friends, Architects, Risk Takers, Adventurers, Explorers, Investigators, Mathematicians and Artists!

Key Information for Year 1:

  1. PE is on Mondays and Thursdays (come into school in PE kit on these days).
  2. Water bottles- please send in a named water bottle for your child to use around the school.
  3. Forest School - Wellies in school please.

  4. Reading: please hear your child read 5 times a week. The children receive rewards in class for completing this homework. Reading books are changed every Thursday.
  5. Spelling Test is every Thursday.
  6. MyMaths is our online Maths homework platform. We will set one activity per week and children that complete this homework will receive rewards in class.

A little bit about the adults in Panther class:


We are very lucky to have two experienced teachers sharing Panther Class, and an experienced TA every morning! Miss Rowley, our Year 1 HLTA, will be working with both Year 1 classes each afternoon and Mrs Bradford will also be our Reading Assistant!

A note from Mrs Silbereis (every other Wednesday, Thursdays and Fridays)

Hello! I've been teaching at Barley Close for over fifteen years, so I've had the privilege to get to know many of our lovely families really well! It's a lovely school and I'm looking forward to another year of exciting experiences!


Having had my own two children since I started at Barley Close, I now understand how a parent feels entrusting their child to someone else 5 days a week! We work really hard at Barley Close to involve the children's individual interests, skills and needs in every lesson, to make learning fun and to ensure they enjoy coming to school. 


When I'm not at school, I really enjoy spending time with my family. We love picnics, steam railways and beach walks especially! We often visit Cornwall and I love exploring new places too. We enjoy local walks with our dog and my favourite time of year for these walks is Autumn with its crunchy leaves and fresh air! 


I am really looking forward to getting to know your children this year. Please do feel free to get in touch if you have any questions or concerns, or if you'd like any more information!

A message from Miss Mitchell
(Monday, Tuesday and alternate Wednesdays)


Hello everyone!


This year will be my 7th year teaching at Barley Close, and my first year back from maternity leave of my second baby, so lots of experience as both a teacher and a Mummy which helps with understanding how each child is special and important. I'm very excited to get to know our new Panthers and have lots of fun learning in our classroom together.  


When I'm not at school, I'm busy having adventures with my two little ones and our sausage dog, Maxi. We love playing outside, exploring new places and all things Disney! 


I am really looking forward to getting to know you and your children this year. Please do feel free to get in touch if you have any questions or concerns, or if you'd like any more information! 



  • Barley Close Community Primary School
  • Barley Close, Mangotsfield, Bristol
  • United Kingdom, BS16 9DL
  • Tel: 01454 867090
  • Email: