Welcome to the Healthy Schools page.
Healthy School
Barley Close Primary School holds bronze and silver Health in Schools status and we are proud to promote this through encouraging everyone at our school to engage in healthy living. We actively encourage children drink water regularly throughout the school day, and therefore ask for every child to bring a water bottle to school. We ask children to only bring healthy snacks and also encourage healthy lunch boxes, to ensure a well balanced healthy diet.
Lunchtime Options...
1. School lunch cooked on site (Free for Rec/KS1)
2. Bring a healthy packed lunch
3. To go home for lunch
Healthy Lunchboxes at Barley Close
Please ensure you pack your child a healthy lunch...
1. A good portion of starchy food - (e.g. pitta, bread, rice or pasta) including a protein
(e.g. meats, fish, egg, beans or pulses),
2. As much fruit and veg as you'd like! (cut up into pieces to make it easier to eat!)
3. One portion of dairy (e.g. Cheese or yoghurt)
4. One 'treat' e.g. a flapjack, a piece of carrot cake, a biscuit
No nuts please!
Remember not to overload your child's lunchbox - appropriate sized portions for their age!
Drinks - We encourage the children to drink water at lunchtimes - they can bring a water bottle or we will provide a cup of water. No fizzy drinks.
Please support our school and your child to be healthy and follow these guidelines. Your child will be then be ready to learn again in the afternoons!
Thank you for your continued support
Free fruit
All Rec, Year 1 and 2 children get a free piece of fruit provided everyday.