
Barley Close Community Primary School
Resilience, Kindness and Curiosity

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Term 6 Learning

Term 6 Week 6 Learning Update


English: We wrote factfiles about blue whales. We learned lots of facts and thought about the layout on the page for a non-fiction text. We focussed on punctuation for our grammar skill.


Maths: We have been doing practical learning about position and direction, such as half and quarter turns. There are lots of fun games that could help the children to practise this learning, such as Pac-man! 


Science: We have done lots of practical and exciting Science learning for Science week this week! We had a STEM workshop in the hall building structures out of wooden planks, we had a visit from a bird of prey specialist who brought a hawk, an eagle and a barn owl to see us, we made fizzy outdoor paint, Science posters linked to the seasons, used microscopes with Mrs Sparkes and did lots of other fun Science learning!


Swimming: We have learned to swim on our fronts and on our backs this term and practised both this week. 


Spellings: There will be no more spelling tests this term. In class, we are practising the Year 1 Common Exception words. There is a copy attached below if you would like to practise at home. 


Reading: We have started to collect in the reading books and will not be sending these home before the end of term. If you have any reading or sharing books at home, please send them in next week. 


MyMaths: There is a new MyMaths activity going live today- this will be the last one for Year 1. We hope your children have enjoyed completing these activities!


Term 6 Week 4 Learning Update:


English: We finished our unit based on the story "The Snail and the Whale" and wrote a new ending for the story. The children used the days of the week in their writing. 


Maths: We continued learning about multiplication and division through using arrays. 


RE: We talked about special places and discussed the children's thoughts on how places of worship for religions other than our own can still be special. 


Swimming: The children practised swimming on their fronts using floats. 


Spellings quiz for 5th July:


  1. unhappy
  2. unfair
  3. unlock
  4. once
  5. are

The rule this week is: prefix un

Term 6 Week 3 Learning Update:


English- We began a new unit learning to add detail to our writing using adjectives and story language. We have also been practising spelling the days of the week. 


Maths- We have continued our learning about multiplication, finding equal groups and finding the total using groups of objects. Next week, we will learn about division.


DT- We learned about the food groups and talked about what a healthy sandwich looks like. The children then designed their own healthy sandwiches, which we will make later in the term. 


Swimming- We continued learning to swim on our backs. Some children did this with support, others used a float or using their arms to swim without a float. 


Relationships and sex education- We did a lesson learning the names of body parts and the differences between boys and girls. You can find more information on this unit here: Relationship, health and sex education- RSE | Barley Close Community Primary School (


Spellings quiz for 28th June:

  1. seven
  2. eight
  3. nine
  4. ten
  5. eleven

The rule this week is: number names

Term 6 Week 2 Learning Update:


English: We have focussed on phonics this week to support the children to prepare for their phonics screening. The children showed super resilience and did so well- we are very proud of them!


Maths: We continued our learning about fractions. We found a quarter of shapes, numbers and quantities of objects. 


Athletics: We are learning about changing direction and speed safely this term, to build skills for a range of sports. 


Geography: We learned to identify different geographical features of Bristol. 


Swimming: We practised swimming on our backs. The children are making progress and get very excited about swimming with their friends!


Spellings quiz for 21st June:


  1. two
  2. three
  3. four
  4. five
  5. six

The rule this week is: number names

Term 6 Week 1 Learning Update:


English: We have practised writing postcards this week using our phonics skills. We have had extra phonics sessions in preparation for our phonics screening next week. 


Maths: We have learned about fractions. We have found half of shapes, quantities of objects and numbers. Next week, we will learn to find quarters.


PE: Thank you to everyone who came along to support Sports Day! The children had fun and enjoyed cheering for their friends in the races!


Geography: We learned to locate England and Bristol on a map. 


Spellings quiz for 14th June:


  1. Thursday
  2. Friday
  3. Saturday
  4. Sunday
  5. one

The rule this week is: Days of the week (capital letter)  

Term 6 General Update:

Wednesdays will now be PE (athletics).

Fridays will be swimming in the mornings and Forest school in the afternoon. The children can wear PE kit on this day and will need to bring in a swimming kit- one piece costume / shorts , goggles and towel, no earrings please.

Water bottles everyday.
Hats - weather permitting.
Reading records and books daily.
Book change and spellings on Fridays.
Healthy snacks only- NO sweets, crisps, chocolate bars please.

This term the children will take their phonics screening check - this will be W/C 10th June.
Please make sure you practise reading and phonics and make sure your child is in school during this week.

  • Barley Close Community Primary School
  • Barley Close, Mangotsfield, Bristol
  • United Kingdom, BS16 9DL
  • Tel: 01454 867090
  • Email: