
Barley Close Community Primary School
Resilience, Kindness and Curiosity

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Y4 - Chameleon

RSE Information for Year 4 Term 6: An overview of all RSE lessons & Year 4 specific.

Term 5!! 


One week to go....Year 4 have been amazing this term, they have grown up so much since the beginning of the year and are almost ready to go into Year 5! 



From Monday 3rd June - Friday 14th June all children in Year 4 will be taking part in the Multiplication Check! This is a times tables check all year 4 children across the country do. 


The main features of it are: 

- Children get 6 seconds to answer the multiplication question

- It is done in school in small groups or 1:1 with an adult.

- We will most likely be using ipads but if your child is better on a laptop/computer keypad let me know and I will see if I can do that for them. 

- The most common x-tables to come up are: 6, 7, 8, 9s


We are doing lots of extra practicing at the moment on our x-tables. 


This is the best site to practice on that looks the most similar to the gov. test:

Multiplication Tables Check - 2024 -


Here is more information regarding the check for parents:

Multiplication tables check: information for parents - GOV.UK (



TERM 3!! 


I can't believe we are almost halfway through the school year and what fun we have had! 


PE days -


Wednesday - Dance


Friday - Gymnastics (with the sports coaches)


Please remember to remind your children to bring in their reading records. If they read 5x per week, they get raffle tickets. But we know it can be really busy so even if they haven't we like to have a check of their reading records to see what books they have etc! 

If the reading record is lost, please let us know and we can get a new one for them to take home. 


The multiplication check is coming up soon and it's so great to see lots of the children practicing TTRS every week! 

If for any reason they can't access it at home, I can give them sheets to practice at home if they want so they get a chance to win some raffle tickets and get lots of practice in! 









Welcome to Chameleon Class! 



Meet your teachers

Hello and welcome to Chameleon class! 


My name is Miss Donaldson and I am really looking forward to teaching Chameleons this year! 


I was lucky enough to teach most of you in Year 3 for part of the year and am now looking forward to welcoming you back after the summer holiday for an exciting year in Year 4 smiley


Reading Records & Reading at home


We will be sending your child home with a reading record by the end of Week 1. Which will also have your childs TTRS and MyMaths log in for using at home too!

Children will be changing their books on Fridays and their reading records looked at. 


 Please try and read 5 times per week, reading at home makes a huge difference to your child's reading progress in school! 


Times Table Rockstars! 


Each child will be given their personal log in by the end of the first week (with their reading record). The expectation will be to complete 25 minutes a week! Those who complete this will be rewarded with 25 extra raffle tickets on Friday in time for the raffle! 


Your children will remember using TTRS from Year 3. Its a fun, interactive way to practice their times tables, earning coins as they go! 




Spellings will be given out every Friday. We will have a spelling test on Friday mornings. 

I will also put these on the door of the classroom each week in case of lost spellings smiley


My Maths 


Each week children will be set homework on MyMaths! It will be really helpful for your children to have a go at each week to help their in class learning! 


PE days (Term 1)


Thursday - Please can you ensure children come into school in their plain school PE kit

Friday - Swimming with coaches 


I think that's everything for now. Any questions or anything you would like to talk about do not hesitate to contact me via email or a chat at the door! 


Looking forward to seeing you all on Monday ready for Term 1 laugh


Reminder - Meet the teacher is on Wednesday 13th September between 3.30 and 4.30. Please come along to the classroom to say hello and ask any questions you may have. 



  • Barley Close Community Primary School
  • Barley Close, Mangotsfield, Bristol
  • United Kingdom, BS16 9DL
  • Tel: 01454 867090
  • Email: