
Barley Close Community Primary School
Resilience, Kindness and Curiosity

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Y6- Zebra

             WELCOME TO ZEBRA CLASS 2023/2024


Please remember to complete both MyMaths activities and 25 mins on TTRS per week. We have seen a major decrease in the number of children reading at home, please can you support your child by reading 5 times a week at home. Reading at home in year 6 is more important than ever!


PE this term (Term 6) is on a Monday and Friday. Please make sure PE kit is worn on both these days. 


Thank you!

On Monday 1st July, year 6 will be doing Relationships and Sex Education. Please see the attached leaflet which gives details of what we will cover. 

Friday 7th June 2024

What a lovely first week of Term 6 we have had!  This week we have recapped fractions and percentages in maths and in English we have been writing setting and character descriptions. In Science we looked at possible careers - this week we focused on being a neuro scientist. Sports day was a huge success, it was so lovely to see everyone trying their best and being a huge support to the younger children. On Friday we had a lovely PE lesson where we focused on our tennis skills! 

On Wednesday 12th June we will be holding auditions for our end of year production - on Friday everyone was sent home with a scrip to learn. 


Congratulations and Well Done to:

Pupil of the Week: Paige

Marvellous Mathematician: Pertiz


Friday 24th May


This week has been so much fun! We have played rounders, archery, sports day practice, been ding our mile run and learning karate! We also did a skipping challenge with the reception children where we helped them learn to skip. Today we had a tennis workshop and parents in to see our work! As well as all the sporty fun we made sculptures in art, board games in maths and did a great piece of writing about Mo Farah! 


Congratulations to:


Pupil of the term: Doan 

Sports person of the week: Tom 

Some information about next week:
Please can your child wear sports kit to school all week.
On Wednesday they need to wear their house colour T-shirt.
Wednesday afternoon is whole school sports day - parents please arrive at 1:15 to watch.
On Friday afternoon parents are invited into the classroom from 2pm so your child can show you their learning in their books. Your child is welcome to come home with you once you are done.

Have a lovely weekend in the sunshine! The children need a good rest after all their hard work on SATS this week! I am so proud of them all.

Friday 17th May

What a week. I have never been so proud of the lovely children in Zebra class. They worked their socks off this week and tried their absolute best on their SATS papers. We have also done sports day practise, plant adaptations in science and learnt about Nelson Mandela in Geography. On Thursday Mrs Williams kindly made pizzas with us all and today we have had a day of sports and games! Enjoy a well deserved rest this weekend. 


Congratulations and Well Done to:

Pupil of the Week - Amelia B

Marvellous Mathematician - Caleb


Friday 10th May

In English and Maths, they have all worked really hard on their revision and they are all going to be fabulous next week! 

In Geography, we learnt about the different landscapes in South Africa and drew a few examples. In Science, we researched why animals camouflage themselves. In PE we have been practising for sports day on Wednesday 22nd May. On Thursday, we hosted a group of staff from UWE, who showed the children how to create a Lego-inspired print - everyone had a great time and the finished artwork was incredible!


Congratulations and Well Done to:

Pupil of the Week - Finley and Paige

Marvellous Mathematician - Connie

Raffle Ticket Winners - Paige, Connie and Amelia B. 

Spellings to be tested: Friday 10th May












Friday 3rd May

We have had the most amazing week this week. We have been so focused on our SATS revision to make sure we all do our absolute best! In Geography, we wrote our own poems about Apartheid. In Science, we investigated how different shape beaks impact on how much seed a bird can eat. This linked to our learning about Darwin and natural selection. In PE, we have done some sports day practice and in art we made amazing outdoor pictures - see dojo for photos. 


Congratulations and Well Done to:

Pupil of the Week - Reco

Marvellous Mathematician - Yoana

Raffle Ticket Winners - Romany, Frankie and Kornelia

Spellings Term 5

Friday 19th April

We have had such a positive start to term 5. In English we had a writing week. The children wrote: an extended story, a formal letter and a balanced discussion. The improvement we are making in our writing is amazing and we are using such ambitious vocabulary. In Maths this week we have been doing lots of revision for SATS and covered many topic. 

In science we have started out new topic learning about evolution and inheritance. This week we made our own fossils. In PE we had a great game of rounders! We also stared the term of with a class reward! 


Congratulations and Well Done to:

Pupil of the Week: Frankie

Marvellous Mathematician: Stan

Raffle Ticket Winners: Serena, Tyler and Frankie

Friday 22nd March 

This week was test week but Zebra class did so well and I am so proud of them! They were so resilient and worked so hard. They were all asking how they can improve and what they should be doing to get better. We also had a maths lesson on finding the mean. In History we created a timeline of WW2. We also had a brilliant workshop with the Avon fire and rescue team. 


Congratulations and well done to:

Pupil of the Week: Kerem

Marvellous Mathematician: Finley and Amelia D

Raffle Ticket Winners: Frankie, Doan, Amelia D

Friday 15th March

 In English, they wrote formal letters, in character as Winston Churchill and many have mastered the art of using semi-colons and colons accurately. These letters were some of the best writing we have ever done, I am SO proud. Our Maths lessons centred around ratio and proportion - this is a topic some of us find much more challenging however we stayed resilient!  In History, they wrote diary entries as Anne Frank and in PE, they learnt some rugby skills. 


Congratulations to:

Pupil of the Week: Pertiz

Marvellous Mathematician: Dimitar

Raffle Ticket Winners: Finley, Frankie and Paige

Term 4 Spellings list

Friday 1st March

In English this week we have written narratives inspired by 'letters form the lighthouse.' We used such amazing ambitious vocabulary and the children made such engaging stories. In Maths, we have learnt about algebra. The children were all apprehensive about this but were very surprised with how easy they found it!  In history we created WW2 inspired propaganda posters and in science we continued making circuits. 


Congratulations to: 

Pupil of the week: Tilly

Marvellous mathematician: Tom

Raffle ticket winners: Tilly, Kerem, Hilary 

Friday 23rd February

What a great start to term 4. This week we had a climate change workshop - looking at how we can make our area more environmentally friendly. We also had a science assembly with a PHD student from Bristol Uni - he was talking all about Space. In maths we looked at area of shapes and converting units of time. In English we learnt about modal verbs and adverbs for possibility. We had a great History lesson about women in the war. In science we started our new topic which is electricity. 


Congratulations to: 

Pupil of the Week: Frankie

Marvellous Mathematician: Pertiz

Raffle Ticket Winners: Tilly, Serena, Amelia B. 

Friday 9th February

We have had an amazing week to end term 3! In Maths we looked at how to find missing angles and calculating with fractions. In English we have write a diary entry from 3 characters perspectives based on shadow jumper. In history we looked at the rules and regulations of air raid shelters. We had a great trip to Mangotsfield secondary school to watch their performance of Matilda. We also did some online safety activities as it was internet safety week. Have a lovely half term everybody - make sure to get some rest! 


Congratulations to:

Pupil's pupil of the term: Amelia D

My pupil of the term: Tyler

Raffle Ticket Winners: Dimitar, Frankie, James

Spellings to be tested: Friday 9th February












Friday 2nd February

This week we had test week - I am so proud of the progress the children have made so far this year! In Maths we started our topic on angles - learning about angles around a point, on a straight line and in shapes. In English we start writing some Diary entries based on Shadow Jumper. We had a great history lesson looking at the life of a child during WW2 who wasn't evacuated. We continued looking at living things and their habitats in science. 


Congratulations to:

Pupil of the week: Hilary

Marvellous Mathematician: Amelia D

Raffle ticket winners: Dimitar, Pertiz and Stan 

Spellings to be tested: Friday 2nd February












Friday 26th January

We have been so busy in Zebra class this week.  In English, we have been using parenthesis, in preparation for writing a diary entry. This week we have done loads of fractions -  calculating with them, ordering and comparing them. During History we looked at The Blitz and made a poster encouraging England to keep fighting! We had a great gymnastics session on Friday. This week we had our second session with UWE learning to celebrate our differences. Next week is test week - I can't wait to see the progress the children have made!

Spellings to be tested: Friday 26th January











Friday 19th January

In English, we have written our own versions of the beginning of 'Shadow Jumpers' with our focus being on using dialogue. In Maths, we have been looking at area and perimeter of rectangles and area of parallelograms and triangles. Our History lesson involved learning about evacuation during World War 2 and in PE, we continue to work on our gym skills. We also created a classification key after finding different plants in the school grounds during our science lesson. We had an amazing trip to Lifeskills on Tuesday and as always the children's behaviour was great. 


Congratulations to:

Pupil of the Week: Doan

Marvellous Mathematician: Tilly and Finely 

Raffle Ticket Winners: Tilly, Amelia B, Hilary 

Spellings to be tested: Friday 19th January












Friday 12th January

In English, we have been learning about dialogue in preparation for re-writing the beginning of 'Shadowjumper'. During Maths, we looked at area, perimeter and volume.  During History we were looking at the countries involved in WW2 and finding these on a map. We have started our new science topic which is 'living things and their habitats' and we started by looking at the different groups of animals. In PE we had a great gymnastics session with the PE coaches. 


Congratulations to:

Pupil of the Week: Kornelia

Marvellous Mathematician: Tyler

Raffle Ticket Winners: Kerem and Dimitar 

Spellings to be tested: Friday 15th December












Friday 8th December

in English, we have been learning about explanation texts and in Maths, we have been looking at statistics and prime numbers. We had a great Xmas jumper day on Friday - everyone looked great! 

  Our trip was so much fun and their behaviour was commented on by staff. I am so proud of how amazing they were! We had a lovely coach journey despite being stuck in traffic - lots of karaoke! 


Congratulations to:

Pupil of the Week: Tyler 

Marvellous Mathematician: Caleb



Please visit parentpay to give your consent/pay for the Rainforest trip, if you haven't already done so. We leave school at 9am promptly and hope to be back about 4pm. Children need to wear school uniform and bring a packed lunch and a full water bottle. They should wear their school uniform and have a waterproof coat with them.


Spellings to be tested: Friday 8th December












Thursday 30th November

This week has been test week, the children worked so hard and were very resilient. It is great to see so much progress already! Our Science lesson this week involved looking at pattern making when carrying out an investigation. In geography we were shocked by the effects of deforestation of the rainforest! In PE we had a great lesson with health squad playing basketball. 


Congratulations to:

Pupil of the Week - Yoana

Marvellous Mathematician - Kerem

Raffle Ticket Winners - Tyler, Tinching and Romany 

Spellings to be tested: Thursday 30th November












Friday 24th November

This week, we have written extended narratives about William 'bill' Lewis and his journey to freedom. In maths, we have looked at number, place value and long multiplication. 2 Digit x 3 digit numbers is something lots of us are finding tricky so would be good to practice lots! In Science we carried out an investigation to find out the best place to put a parasol when you are sunbathing. In Geography we compared the lives of the indigenous people of the Amazon Rainforest with the people of Bristol. We've had another great session with the Health Squad and a great class party on Wednesday afternoon! 

Congratulations to:

Pupil of the Week: James

Marvellous Mathematician: Tinching

Raffle Ticket Winners: Amber, Stan and Tilly. 

Spellings to be tested: Friday 24th November












Friday 17th November

This week we have been revising our knowledge of verb tenses in English; looking at converting measurements in Maths; learning about the different layers of the rainforest in Geography and continuing out topic on Light in Science, by looking at how shadows are formed. 

We have enjoyed some more lessons from the Bristol Flyers Health Squad and also earned our first class reward of the school year! The class have chosen to have forest schools time and then watching a film on Wednesday 22nd November - children will need spare shoes and warm clothes that they don't mind getting muddy.


Congratulations to:

Pupil of the Week: Serena

Marvellous Mathematician: Doan

Raffle Ticket Winners: Tyler, Caleb and Amelia

Spellings to be tested: Friday 10th November











Friday 3rd November

We have had a great first week back! In English, we read the story of Henry 'Box' Brown and looked at fronted adverbials and advanced vocabulary so we can use these to make a diary entry! Our Maths lessons revised our knowledge of fractions and decimals and in Geography, we started our Amazon Rainforest topic. In Science, we carried out an investigation to prove that light travels in straight lines.


Congratulations to:

Marvellous Mathematician: Erin

Pupil of the Week: Finley

Raffle Ticket Winners: Amelia D, Connie, James. 

Friday 20th October

I have had such an amazing first time in year 6 - I hope you all have too! We've learnt lots about the Atlantic Slave Trade, the circulatory system, fractions, the book Holes and lots more. We have had some amazing bench ball and swimming sessions. I have been so impressed with the progress made during our swimming lessons and the class are showing real determination and resilience! 


Have a great half term and see you on Tuesday October 31st.



Pupils of the Term; Serena and Reco


Spellings to be tested: Friday 20th October











Friday 13th October

This week we  have completed our first set of practise KS2 tests and the children were amazing -they were so resilient I am so proud!
In English, we have are looking at balanced discussions and deciding whether or not Camp Green Lake should be open. In Maths we looked at calculating with money. Our History lesson was all about Harriet Tubman. The children loved creating a Mind-map all about her! In Science, we learnt about the risks of alcohol and smoking and had some good discussions then made a leaflet all about it! 


Congratulations to:

Pupil of the Week: Pertiz 

Marvellous Mathematician: Serena

Raffle Ticket Winners: Hilary, Romany & Caleb 

Spellings to be tested: Friday 13th October












Friday 6th October

In English, we have written non-chronological reports about yellow-spotted lizards, these looked amazing and the children enjoyed writing them! In Maths, we have been looking at symmetry and co-ordinates. Our Science lesson involved making 'blood' from syrup, marshmallows and smarties and in Humanities, we learnt about the auctions where the enslaved Africans would be sold. We've had a great swimming lesson and also had some very competitive games of benchball earlier in the week. In art we have began making propaganda posters which are very thought provoking! 


Congratulations to:

Pupil of the Week: Connie

Marvellous Mathematician: Amelia B

Raffle Ticket Winners: Yoana, Doan and Pertiz 

Spellings to be tested: Friday 6th October












Friday 29th September

 We have had another busy week; in English, we have been learning about yellow-spotted lizards and embedded clauses and in Maths, we have been revising our knowledge of shape and multiplication. Our History lesson was all about the barbaric conditions the enslaved Africans lived in, when they crossed the Atlantic Ocean. During this lesson we were writing diary entries and i was blown away by how amazing they were! In Science, we did an investigation about our heart rates. We then plotted our results onto a line graph. In music we continued to learn the song happy and in computing we were learning about coding used at Bletchley Park. 



Congratulations to:

Pupil of the Week: Tom

Marvellous Mathematician: Hilary

Raffle Ticket Winners: Dimitar, Tom, Lewis. 

Spellings to be tested: Friday 29th September












Friday 15th September

The third week of Year 6 has been great. In English, we have been revising our knowledge of expanded noun phrases, adverbial phrases and prepositional phrases. We then wrote a narrative all about Stanley arriving at Camp Green Lake. Our Maths work has centred around 2D and 3D shapes. In history we looked at maps and the journey ships went on during the slave trade. We had a wet PE session so played some bench ball inside. In science we made replica hearts using glass jars. 


Congratulations to:

Pupil of the Week: Romany

Marvellous Mathematician: James

Raffle Ticket Winners: Reco, Stan, Kerem

Spellings to be tested: Friday 22nd September











Friday 15th September

The second week of Year 6 has been great. In English, we have been revising our knowledge of expanded noun phrases, adverbial phrases and prepositional phrases. Our Maths work has centred around Number and Place Value and in Humanities, we learnt about why the Atlantic Slave Trade began. We worked on our tennis skills and swimming in PE. We also had a visit from the headteacher at Mangotsfield secondary school & a road safety workshop! 


Congratulations to:

Pupil of the Week: Stan

Marvellous Mathematician: Reco

Raffle Ticket Winners: Amelia D, Kyrian, Dimitar


We need empty, clean glass jars for Science on Tuesday - please bring one before then. Thanks! 

Spellings to be tested: Friday 15th September












Friday 8th September

It's been an amazing first week in Zebra Class it has been so lovely getting to know everyone and teaching some familiar faces again!! Behaviour this week has been amazing and rules and routines are being seen already!
During our English lessons we have been reminding ourselves of all the basic punctuation we have to use in sentences. In Maths, we have been looking at place value particularly reading and writing numbers. During history we reminded ourselves about the continents and oceans of the world. Our Science lesson involved learning the different parts of the heart and their functions.  In PE we did some fielding skills and learnt some play ground games that we could play. We also had a very successful first swimming session! 


 Congratulations to:

Pupil of the Week: Kerem 

Marvellous Mathematician: Lewis

Raffle Ticket Winners: Kerem, Doan and Amelia. 


Meet the teacher is on Wednesday 13th September at 3.30. We will meet in my classroom. I look forward to having a chat with lots of you! 


Every child has been given a reading book and spellings to learn  and also their log in details for MyMaths and TTRS, so they have plenty of homework to keep them busy. 

  • Barley Close Community Primary School
  • Barley Close, Mangotsfield, Bristol
  • United Kingdom, BS16 9DL
  • Tel: 01454 867090
  • Email: