
Barley Close Community Primary School
Resilience, Kindness and Curiosity

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Term 5

Term 5 Spelling list

Term 5 week 1 learning update:


A great first week of Term 5. It was so wonderful to see Lion Class' smiling faces again and get stuck into our learning again. 


In English we read the book Little Red which is based on Little Red Riding Hood but with a twist where Little Red is a boy and the wolf really likes ginger beer! Video of the story being read aloud:


In Maths we recapped place value and number this week. We reminded ourselves of the value of tens and ones numbers, ordered a range of numbers and used greater than and less than symbols to compare numbers. Today we were counting in 2's forward and backward. 


In history we started our new unit on castles and knights. We thought about what makes a building a castle and how they defend themselves. The children enjoyed chatting about our trip to Chepstow Castle. 


In Friday's PE lesson with the coaches we started a dance unit. The children played dance tag to warm up! 

Term 5 Week 2 Update:


What a busy week we have had!


In Maths we continued our learning linked to Place Value. We counted and solved questions and problems in steps of 3 and 5 and then also looked at placing numbers accurately on a number line. In our calculation lesson we used the number line method to divide by 10.


In English, we continued to focus on the story of Little Red. We had the opportunity to work on our understanding of contractions, planned our unit outcome with a focus on contractions and conjunctions and then wrote our version of the story of Little Red.


In Science we looked at the human life cycle, PE was used to practice for Sport's Day and art included looking at inspiration for our project whilst also collecting sticks.


What a fun, busy week!


Next week will look at position and direction in Maths and see us begin a new story for English! 


Have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday!

Week 3 learning update


Half way through Term 5. We cannot believe it. Over the next few weeks and during term 6 we'll be thinking ahead to Year 3 and how best to get Lion Class ready for their next step at Barley Close into Key Stage 2. The children have already learned so much. 


In English this week, we wrote command sentences to help our book character Little Red avoid being eaten by the wolf in the story. Children focused on using imperative (bossy) verbs like get, put, go and writing full sentences not forgetting capital letters and full stops. We'll continue this next week. We're working on joining up our letters when handwriting. 


In Maths Mr Adamson taught Lions about position and direction. Children went into the hall to become robots and act on instructions like turn clockwise a quarter turn or a half turn anti clockwise. Children used their arms to be the hands of the clock to help them to remember which way is clockwise and which is anti clockwise. They really enjoyed this practical part of maths. Then it was time to put it into practice rotating pictures in their books following instructions. 


In PE we have started practising for sports day on Wednesday 22nd May at 1.15pm. Egg and spoon race, relay, flat race, all the favourites! Parents are invited to watch from 1.15pm. Children to wear their house colour t shirt if possible please. 


In History Mr Adamson taught us about Kings William the Conqueror and Richard the Lionheart. We had to hunt for facts around the classroom and sort them between the 2 Kings. We finished the lesson with some children answering questions from the class as if they were the Kings themselves. The children really get into this. 


Please keep reading 5x a week with your children. Over half the class are doing this and it's helping children to move up the reading level colours and to build their confidence. 

Week 4


Well, it was yet another busy week, especially as we lost a day to the Bank Holiday. We hope you all managed to make the most of it and enjoy the long weekend! 


Maths, we enjoyed completing more learning linked to position and direction and also moved onto sequences and patterns. We found it really useful to say the sequence out loud to help us identify what would come next. For week 5 and week 6 of maths, our focus will be time - especially telling the time to 5 minute intervals. If you could recap and discuss time in general with you children that would be hugely appreciated!


English we planned our set of instructions based on "How to Avoid getting Eaten by the Wolf" linked to our story of 'Little Red'. We were clever and were able to include exclamation and question sentences within our complete set of instructions! Hopefully none of your children were gobbled up on the way home from school in the end?!


PE saw us continue to work on our Sport's Day skills but also enjoy our lesson with the sports coach. We also had great fun with our French learning with Mrs G.


This week has started off well too with a fantastic reading skills lesson and also a fun Science lesson! Can't wait to continue to have a great week with you all!


NB: Polite reminder... please make sure you have your reading diary and reading book in school every day!

Week 5 learning update


Lion Class have been fabulous this week. They have all worked so hard and been their lovely selves. We had special visitors walking in and out of classrooms, looking at children's books and talking to children across the school. 


In English this week we read a new book called Rosie Revere Engineer by Andrea Beaty. If you type the book name and author into YouTube you'll find a video of it being read aloud. Rosie is an aspiring engineer and loves creating gizmos and gadgets. We have been learning to use apostrophes for singular possession. For example, Rosie's hair was golden blonde.


In Maths we've been learning how to tell the time. All children are secure with o'clock and most can recognise half past on an analogue clock face. We're working on recognising quarter past and quarter to the hour. The next step will be counting in 5's around the clock to tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes. Please continue to practice telling the time at home. It really helps! 


In PE this week we've been practising our events for sports day on Wednesday 22nd May at 1.15pm. Parents are invited to come and watch. On Friday we also did dance with the sports coaches Jaz and Ella.  


Reminders for the last week of term:

- Children can wear plain sports clothes all week as they'll be doing extra activities like running a mile a day, tennis and multisports.


- Sports afternoon Wednesday 22nd May at 1.15pm. Children to wear their house colour t shirt please (see classroom door or previous Classdojo post for your child's colour)


- Friday 24th May from 2pm parents and carers are invited into classrooms across the school to share recent learning. Afterward you can take your child home early to start half term. 

  • Barley Close Community Primary School
  • Barley Close, Mangotsfield, Bristol
  • United Kingdom, BS16 9DL
  • Tel: 01454 867090
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