Friday 7th January 2025
Happy Friday everyone,
This week in Alligator Class we have been experimenting with light. In our science lesson this week we tested cardboard, tracing paper and clear plastic, identifying which materials would make the best shadow puppets. After concluding that cardboard would be most suitable, we made some shadow puppets. The children loved carrying out their own puppet shows.
In English we have started a new unit where our Grammar focus is writing using compound sentences. Today in class the children designed their own mythical creature and then used them for inspiration to write in compound sentences.
In Maths we are revisiting 'telling the time.' Although all children find this tricky, all the Alligators have shown great resilience and determination. Well done!
Friday 24th January 2025
This week in Alligator class we have been very curious in our science lessons, learning all about light and reflection. In our science experiment this week, we used a torch to reflect light off different surfaces and items, investigating which materials hold reflective properties.
In English we have been revisiting 'homophones' using them in our writing on Greeks Myths. This week we focused on the Greek God Poseidon, writing all about how he ruled the ocean.
In our humanities lessons we have continued to study the Iron Age. This week we looked at Iron Age Hillforts. Here we learnt about how hillforts were built to protect tribes from attack.
Please can I remind everyone to send in their child with a named water bottle.
Hope you all have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Garland
Friday 17th January 2025
This week in Alligator Class we have been continuing to calculate 2 digit numbers using the 'grid method.' We are all now becoming more confident doing this. We have also been working on learning our 3x tables off by heart.
Please continue to encourage all your children to access Times Tables Rock Stars weekly, as this will help with this.
In English we completed our End of Unit write in the Present Perfect Tense. This week we have focused on uplevelling our writing, using more ambitious vocabulary. The children have loved using a thesarus this week!
In our science lessons this week, we looked at the dangers of UV light and what we can do to protect ourselves in the sun.
In our music lessons we listened to Mussurgosky's 'Night on Bare Mountain.' Here we worked in teams to draw a story for the music, which we will move on to perform with movement next week.
Please can I remind everyone that our PE days are now a Tuesday and Friday.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs Garland
Friday 10th January 2025
It has been so lovely to see our superstars this week! The Alligators have hit the ground running this term!
This week in English we have revisited number and place value, where we have been estimated, ordering and comparing numbers to 1000. The children have been using a variety of resources to support with this, including diennes, counters and number lines.
In English we have been learning to write in the the 'present perfect tense.' In our new Unit on Greek mythology, we have been reading 'Theseus and the Minotaur' which we have all found very exciting. Towards the beginning of the week the children wrote about their Christmas holiday, it sounds like you all got up to many lovely things.
Today we took part in our first gymnastics session where we revisited many positions. We practiced rolls on mats and well as transporting ourselves across the bench.
I hope you all have had a great start to January too.
Mrs Garland