We know that this is a difficult time for us all, some days harder than others. Lots of you are saying siblings are finding it hard being together in such close quarters.
We have added some parent de-escalation phrases that parents may find helpful.
Here are some links to websites that parents may find useful,
https://www.integra.co.uk/home-learning/ https://www.sglospc.org.uk/resources
Also links to both the Integra site and Parent/Carer Forum site which can be found on the Council website: https://find-information-for-adultschildrenfamilies.southglos.gov.uk/kb5/southglos/directory/advice.page?id=JyM23zPICBc&familychannel=2-4&channel=family
Bristol Sanctuary would normally provide a safe place for people to come to for a few hours in the evening if they are in emotional distress. This would be a place where they would be able to talk to a member of staff about how they are feeling and access distraction activities such as puzzles, arts and crafts etc.
At present they are unable to see people face-to-face but are offering telephone support seven nights a week from 4-10pm.
They offer support to people aged 16+ living in the Bristol and South Gloucestershire areas.
If you would like to use their service,you can call them on 01179542952 or 07709295661 from 4pm. They will do an initial assessment call (informal) with you and offer a call back at an arranged time.
One You South Glos for adults
Mind You South Glos - for young people
Information, Advice and Guidance website
Covid-19 Local support, advice and guidance
Integra Home Learning-Stay Safe (inc. online safety)
Young People’s Drug and Alcohol Service (YPDAS) is available for residents, aged under 18 years old who are concerned about their own substance misuse, or if any adult is worried about a young person who is in their care/ or who they are aware of. Many young people may not be working with professionals and not in school currently meaning there are less adults to use the usual signposting methods. An email to ypservice@southglos.gov.uk is available for young people and their parents/carers/professionals at the current time for questions, support or advice in relation to substance misuse worries. Referrals to YPDAS will still need to come through the Access and Response team (ART) in the usual way but a query or advice can be answered by emailing the above address.
For information on mental health services and resources for children and young people please see the corona page on the Mind You Website. Here you will find information about Off the Record who have a schedule of weekly online workshops and activities which they post on Instagram each week. There’s also a link to Kooth a free confidential online counselling service for young people. This webpage will be regularly updated with new resources and latest info on services during this time so please keep checking back.
Why not try the 30 day challenge; there’s one for children and one for young people.
Each youth provision website has dedicated pages about coronavirus and information on staying safe, what to do with your time and the support they are offering, check them out below. IAG website
Youth Work through Southern Brooks. The Patch Youth Centre in Patchway has moved to an online platform on our Facebook page called The Patch.
Creative Youth Network are organising digital alternatives for young people to talk online with youth workers and get the advice and support they need in this difficult time.
We continue to take on referrals, getting in touch with young people remotely.
Learning Partnership West We are accepting referrals. If there are any children or young people you would like us to be in contact with, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Diversity Trust This page has been created with the vision to share helpful, supportive, and accessible resource during this challenging time.
Safe Link and Missing Link are only carrying out essential external visits, meetings and interventions. However, they are still open, providing service users with support via phone when possible and will continue to liaise with other organisations to manage risks to victims and their children. Students who have experienced rape or sexual assault can contact;
Students who are concerned about or frightened by the behaviour of their partner or those experiencing violence or abuse in their relationship should contact; Next Link on 0800 4700 280 or visit www.nextlinkhousing.co.uk/southglos/
And finally, a crisis text messaging service to share with older pupils (and staff):
Shout – https://www.giveusashout.org/
Shout is the UK’s first 24/7 text service, free on all major mobile networks, for anyone in crisis anytime, anywhere. It’s a place to go if you’re struggling to cope and you need immediate help.