The price of schools dinners is now £2:40
The school's canteen provides a midday meal each day, cooked in its own kitchen. Children are provided with a main course and dessert. As a Healthy School we are proud of the standard of our school meals which provide a high quality lunch for children. Meal costs are set annually by the School Meals Service. The current cost of a school meal is £2:30 School dinners need to be ordered and paid for via Parentpay. Dinners can be ordered by to 3 weeks in advance.
Any debts are the responsibility of the school and children will not be allowed further school meals until any arrears are cleared.
Facilities are provided for children to bring packed lunches, if preferred. Lunch boxes must be clearly marked with the child's name and contain their lunch time food only. Please do not include sweets, chocolate bars, nuts or fizzy drinks in your child’s packed lunch. Flasks containing hot liquids are not permitted. Cold drinks may be brought to school in shatterproof containers. Children are asked to bring a spoon for yoghurts. A drink of water is provided for all children who eat their lunch at school.
Request from the SNAG group.
We have a School Nutrition Action Group (SNAG) made up of children, teachers and parents. At the last SNAG meeting the children requested that their parents talk to them about the menu and what they like before ordering the lunches. That way everyone has something for lunch which they can enjoy, reducing food waste and ensuring we have happy children!
We work with Phunky foods who help us make good food choices. They have been in school at lunch times for fruit and vegetable food tasting.
Breakfasts are served every day from 8.00am until 8.45am. A cafeteria system operates and meals are purchased according to choice, a menu is on display in the dining room. Parents may also stay and have breakfast with their children. Breakfast is supervised by 2 Breakfast Supervisors.
To book a place you must access our online booking system, we charge £2 per day per child for attending breakfast club, this includes breakfast.
Free school meals will be provided up to and including Key Stage 1.
Free School Meals – how to apply
Parents and carers can now apply for free school meals online via the Citizen Portal, using the link below. Your eligibility will be checked online, and the portal will let you know whether your child is eligible for free school meals. If your child is eligible you will receive a confirmation message, and the school will be notified directly. If you are not eligible you will be presented with a message stating this.