
Barley Close Community Primary School
Resilience, Kindness and Curiosity

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Term 5

Key Dates for Term 5

Monday 15th AprilTerm 5 starts

Wednesday 1st May


Thursday 2nd May

Height, weight and vision screening


Monday 6th MayBank Holiday
Monday 20th May - Friday 24th May

Sports Week

Children are invited to wear sports clothing all week

Wednesday 22th May

Sports Day

Children to wear a T-shirt of their house colour

Friday 24th May

2pm Open Learning Afternoon

End of Term 5


Timetable Changes

Forest School: Thursday afternoon

PE: Friday afternoon

Book Change: Friday

Week 1

It's been lovely to see all the children back and excited about their learning.

In English we have been reading "Greta and the Giants" by  Zoe Tucker and Zoe Persico. This book was inspired by Greta Thunberg's stand to save the world so we have been learning about Greta Thunberg's life. Her slogan "No one is too small to make a difference" made us think about some things we could do to help our environment, and so, ahead of Earth Day next week, we made some simple Planet Pledges such as switching off lights and growing more flowers.

In Forest School we went on a bug hunt spotting spiders, snails, and ladybirds among many other creatures. We also went worm charming!

In Maths we revisited our number bonds to 5, by singing "5 Little Kittens", and the composition of numbers 5 - 10 using 5 and a "bit".

In PE we are learning about dance with the Sports Coaches.

Week 2

This week we have been Historians and learnt all about castles. We made a list of all the things we thought we knew about castles and then a list of the things we would like to find out. We looked at several non-fiction books to find the answers to our questions.

On Thursday we had a Medieval day. We tried tapestry and archery and we made Medieval Honey Cake, although we used a modern oven to cook it!

In Maths we have revised sequencing numerals by finding the missing numerals and revised our knowledge of number bonds to 5.

Week 3

This week we have read the book "The King's Hats" by Sheila May Bird which shows King Charles wearing different hats as he visits different places. We then thought about different jobs and the hats they wear, such as a Police Officer or a Builder.

We wrote to the King to tell him about our favourite hat and to ask him which was his.

In Maths we continued our look at British coins, exploring 1p, 2p and 5p coins and which coins we needed to make certain values.

In Forest school we learnt about safety when using tools. We then put a glove on our "helping hand" so we could use peelers to whittle sticks. Some of use chose just to remove the bark but others made the stick into people by whittling one end into a pointy hat.

Week 4

This week we have again been historians. We thought about why King Charles in known as King Charles III and then looked at the differences between Kings of the past and the modern day monarch.

We looked at Maps and how we can use them to find our way around. We then drew maps of our outdoor area and of our classroom.

In Maths we revised positional language by hiding objects, and ourselves, in, on, under, beside, in front or behind a box. We then looked at directional language and learnt the Forward and Backward dance and the Left and right dance. We also did the Hokey Cokey to help us remember. We then used our knowledge to program Beebots to move to a particular spot.

We also had our first practise of our events for sports day.

Week 5

In English this week we read "Supertato" by Sue Hendra and Paul Linnet. In the story the Evil Pea causes havoc in the supermarket so we created Wanted posters. The Evil Pea also created havoc in our classroom and outdoor area. We then used our observational skills to spot the problems and make notes. 

In Maths we revised 2D shapes and began to look at 3D. We noticed the difference between 2D and 3D and learnt the terms faces, edges and vertices. We looked in particular at Cube, Sphere, Cuboid, Cylinder and Cone and then tried to find examples of them in our classroom.

We finished the week with a walk to Downend Library. The librarian told us a little about her job and then read us a story. We then had the chance to explore the books in the children's section. Next term the children will be given their own library cards so they can return and select books to borrow.

Week 6

What an amazing and active week Sport's Week has been.

We may not have been able to have Sport's Day itself, due to the wonderful British weather, but we have had great fun learning archery and tennis, learning a new dance routine and trying a range of multiskills activities.

In English we read Supertato: Run Veggies Run. In this book the veggies have a sport's day but the Evil Pea enters a robot which goes bezerk. The children predicted what they thought would happen next. They also made their own robots from junk modelling.

We finished the week with an open afternoon to show off work to our parents.

  • Barley Close Community Primary School
  • Barley Close, Mangotsfield, Bristol
  • United Kingdom, BS16 9DL
  • Tel: 01454 867090
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