Email addresses to contact us below. Please include both teachers on every email. You can also speak to us at the classroom door with any questions or concerns. We'll be more than happy to help.
Any admin information like early pick up or sickness, please call the main office. Thank you.
Hello and welcome to Lion Class 2024-25
This year Lion Class will be taught by Mrs Rammell and Mrs Johnson and supported by Mrs Woodward. We are so excited to welcome you back to school after the summer holiday. We have lots of lovely and exciting plans for this year, which we will let you know all about in due course.
Mrs Rammell will be teaching Monday, Tuesday and every other Wednesday.
Mrs Johnson will be teaching every other Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
The class will be covered by Mrs G (Griffiths) alternating Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. This is for Mrs Rammell and Mrs Johnson to have PPA (planning, preparation and assessment) time.
Please see below for helpful extra information like changing book days and PE days this term. We also use the website and app ClassDojo which allows us to send any reminders on the Class Story. Let us know if you need help gaining access.
We look forward to meeting you all soon.
Mrs Rammell, Mrs Johnson and Mrs Woodward
Extra Things to Know
Reading Records and Reading Books
We will send a Yellow Reading Record book and reading book home by the end of the first week of term. Please can they both be brought into school everyday so adults can read with your child. Please sign the reading record every time you read. You're aiming to read 5x a week. A little each time. Repetition is great for improving reading confidence so don't worry if you finish the book. You can also make predictions and talk about the characters. There will be 5 raffle tickets for your child put into the weekly prize draw for reading 5x a week and having their reading record signed by an adult.
Reading books to be changed on FRIDAYS.
TT Rock Stars / MyMaths
The above online learning platforms will be reactivated in September. Your child will bring home log-in details for each account so that they can access these at home. If any get mislaid, please contact us so that we can provide these details again.
You are aiming for your child to complete: 15minutes across the week of practice on the Timestable Rockstar website Times Tables Rock Stars – Times Tables Rock Stars (
and 1 task on the MyMaths website Home - MyMaths
There will be raffle tickets in the weekly draw for those who complete these activities!
Snacks / Water bottles
You will need to send your child in with a bottle of water to keep in the classroom as the water fountains are not in use. Please make sure that the bottle is named, as children often bring in the same type of bottle as their peers. A water bottle also helps to prevent the spread of germs and bugs by avoiding using cups in the classroom.
Weather Conditions
Please remember to provide your child with a coat on days it is needed and also a hat if we happen to have a hot, sunny day. Please also apply sun cream to your child before arriving at school when necessary, as we will not be able to assist with this.
School uniform PE kits are to be worn to school on the day your child has PE. Our PE lessons will take place on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS. Please ensure that your child is sent in with the appropriate kit for that day so that they are able to take part in a fun, interactive lesson! Please also ensure any earrings are removed for these days so that your child can participate.
Thank you.
Hello! (from Mrs Rammell)
My name is Mrs Rammell and I am lucky enough to be in Lion Class again this year! This is very exciting as I love this particular age range and have taught it before.
I joined Barley Close January 2010 and I am very happy here. The children, families and my colleagues are absolutely lovely and the school has a great feel about it. Whilst working here, I have had the pleasure of teaching across Year 1, 2 and 3. This has allowed me to gain a great understanding of where and how your children have progressed e.g.. from Year 1 to Year 2 in Key Stage 1 and then what is required in Year 3 due to my solid understanding of Lower Key Stage 2.
I love teaching and working with children however, I also have other interests. Outside of school, I like to; read, watch films, bake and think about fitness..! I have actually finally started to do Personal Training so I am now actively trying to get fit and healthy rather than just think about it!
However, I am also very lucky to have two children – a boy and girl and basically, all of my free time is spent with them – going to parks, farms, gym sessions, more baking and also lots of play time at home. My oldest is moving into Year 2 September 2024 so I have the pleasure of being the 'teacher' and also the 'school parent' too.
Friends and family are so important to me. Therefore I ensure that I catch up with both where and when possible – family, friends, school work and home life can be a lot to juggle!
Do come and see either myself, Mrs Johnson or Mrs Woodward if you have any questions or queries or if you would just like to say hello!
Looking forward to a great year with you all!
Hello from Mrs Johnson
I'll be teaching Year 2 Lion Class every other Wednesday and every Thursday and Friday. I am so excited to be teaching Year 2. I have been at Barley Close for 9 years now and have taught Year 2, Year 3 and Year 4 in that time. I enjoyed meeting everyone coming up to Lion Class on the move up day in July.
I have two boys aged 2 and 5. My eldest is starting Year 1 this year. Any spare time is spent outdoors with my boys trying to use up some of their endless energy! I have a very fluffy white cat called Poppy.
I love teaching all subjects but especially history and English. We're going to read some brilliant books this year about lions, secret gardens and inventions!
Any questions or anything you need, you can speak to us at the classroom door or get in contact via email. See you soon,
Mrs Johnson