
Barley Close Community Primary School
Resilience, Kindness and Curiosity

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RE Barley Close Curriculum

Parents and carers of children at Barley Close Primary School, please note that you have the right to withdraw your child from all or part of the Religious Education lessons. See below for more information from the Government website. Please speak to your child's class teacher if this is something you wish to find out more about. 


Religious education (RE) and collective worship in academies and free schools - GOV.UK (


The right to withdraw from religious education and/or collective worship

Parents have the right to withdraw their children from religious education and/or collective worship.

From age 16, pupils can choose for themselves to opt out of collective worship if they wish. However, they cannot opt out of receiving religious education without parental consent until they are 18.



  • Children are excited by and want to learn RE.


  • Provide an interesting and varied curriculum that makes children curious about the world they live in and challenge any stereotypes.


  • From EYFS to the end of Key Stage 2 children become well informed and be able to empathise and appreciate diversity in their local community, nation and wider world.


  • Children understand their role in the world by developing critical thinking skills, reflecting on similarities and differences between religious beliefs and practices.


  • Utilise opportunities to link RE to other subjects, particularly Personal, Social Health Education (PSHE), British Values and Spiritual, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural (SMSC).


  • Offers opportunities for discussion and high-level questioning. This allows them to be open to other views and accepting of their own world perspectives and that others.




  • Our curriculum will encompass the SACRE South Gloucestershire Agreed Syllabus and our own unique curriculum progression to ensure all knowledge of RE are being taught across all year groups.


  • Teaching will encompass learning and progression of skills in 3 key areas per year, Expressing, Believing and Living.


  • Through our teaching, including the use of religious artefacts and visits, we will motivate our children to find out more about different religions.


  • All religions and belief systems, including non-belief systems are taught with respect and sensitivity, valuing links which can be made between home and school and different faith communities in our area. 


  • We will support all children as appropriate so that everyone can access the curriculum.


  • All staff will use assessment for learning to ensure progress during lessons and across the themes of Believing, Expressing and Living.




  • Children will enjoy learning RE and be motivated to find out more about the world they live in.


  • Evidence of work, in floor books, will show core knowledge, progress and cross curricular links.


  • Children will be able to verbalise clear reflections of their own beliefs’ and an awareness of other beliefs and how they impact on their daily lives.


  • A good understanding will result in British Values ‘Tolerance’ being promoted and displayed in the children’s work, thoughts and behaviours.


  • High expectations.


  • Barley Close Community Primary School
  • Barley Close, Mangotsfield, Bristol
  • United Kingdom, BS16 9DL
  • Tel: 01454 867090
  • Email: