
Barley Close Community Primary School
Resilience, Kindness and Curiosity

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Term 5

Friday 24th May 2024


Just like that, another term has ended! What a term we have had!


This week the Alligators have loved every minute of sports week. We have taken part in many sports from archery, to running, tennis, dance and rounders.



We also enjoyed making fruit kebabs earlier in the week which was yummy!! In our art lessons we have loved making our art Greek Clay pots and painting them.








Congratulations to the following pupils:

Pupil of the Term: Willow

Raffle ticket winners: Bella and Jenson

Reading Raffle: Kaylah

Friday 17th May 2024


We have had a lovely week in Alligator Class.


In Science this week we moved on to explore the muscles in the human body, looking at how they help us to move. We felt our muscles and talked all about how they are attached to our bones with tendons and support movement.


In Maths this week we have revisited fractions, learning how to count in tenths and order in tenths.


In our PE and forest school sessions this week we have practiced for sports day and made bird seed feeders. This afternoon in class we looked at many spring birds. We then made bird seed feeders using toilet roll holders, honey and bird seed. We then took them out into the trees for the bird to find and did some bird spotting.




Congratulations to the following pupils:

Pupil of the Week: Rai

Marvellous Mathematician: Amira

Raffle ticket winners: Esmee, Ronnie, Nicolas and Sharmane

Reading Raffle: Yashika

Friday 10th May 2024


Another fantastic week in Alligator class!! Isn't it lovely to see the sun. Please can you send you child in with a water bottle as it is very warm this week.


In English this week we have completed an End of Unit write, re-writing the plot of 'A Firework-Maker's Daughter,' replacing 2 characters. The Alligators were incredibly imaginative with their new characters and all wrote in paragraphs beautifully.


In Science this week we moved around the classroom, hunting for the scientific names for the bones in the human skeleton. The Alligators were surprised to learn that the human skeleton has 206 bones!


In our DT sessions we made a prototype for our DT Greek Clay pots which we will be making in 2 weeks time. Here we used our designs we drew in class to make small clay pots out of playdoh. This was very fun!!




Congratulations to the following pupils:

Pupil of the Week: Michael

Marvellous Mathematician: Yashika

Raffle ticket winners: Kaylah, Ibrahim and Fhareeha

Reading Raffle: Alfie

Friday the 3rd of May


You wouldn't know it, looking at the weather!! But May is here already.


In Alligator Class we have been very busy in all lessons and have loved rehearsing for our class assembly. We absolutely loved performing for all parents and carers yesterday. Thank you so much to all of you who came. The children were so nervous, but excited to sing and dance for you.


In English this week we have continued to look at how to use paragraphs in creating story plots. Focusing on the opening paragraph, build up, problem, resolution and ending. This week we created our own new 'baddies' for our novel 'The Firework-Maker's Daughter.' Followed by writing the build up paragraph where Lila was captured by pirates, replacing the pirate with our own 'baddie.'


In Maths we have been learning about time, recapping months of the year and ordering events. We have been learning songs to help us remember which months have 30 and 31 days. The children have all enjoyed doing this. Next week we will move on to look at Roman Numerals and how they help us to tell the time.


In our music lessons we have began to learn the Ukulele.  Although children have found this hard to grasp, they have really thrown themselves into it!! Mr Davies will be along every Thursday morning to teach us.



Congratulations to the following pupils:

Pupil of the Week: Harmony

Marvellous Mathematician: Anne

Raffle ticket winners: Harry, Clara and Phoebe

Reading Raffle: Mace


Friday 26th April 2024


It is that time of the week, time to reflect on what a brilliant week we have had.


On Monday it was Earth Week. During this week we have reflected on how to look after our planet. In Guided Reading we read a story about how plastic pollution is destroying our oceans. We have been practising a song to sing for you in our class assembly next week. We are very excited for this.



In our maths lessons we have been learning to divide using the bus stop method. Although this has been tough at times to grasp, the Alligators have not given up.


In science we are continuing with our topic 'Animals, including humans.' This week we learnt all about how different animals and what they eat, looking at their teeth and how they have evolved to enable them to be herbivores or carnivores.]


In English this week we have been writing our 'End of Unit' write, summarising our novel 'The Firework-Maker and his Daughter.' All children have demonstrated great perseverance during our English lessons these last couple of weeks. Well done!


Congratulations to the following pupils:

Pupil of the Week: Ronnie

Marvellous Mathematician: Fhareeha

Raffle ticket winners: 

Reading Raffle: Fhareeha


Friday the 19th of April 2024


Welcome back Year 3!


This week the Alligators have had the most fantastic first week back. They have been well behaved, hard-working and given their all to everything!


In English this week our Grammar has been on writing in paragraphs and all have risen to this challenge, recognising when and how to start a new paragraph in their writing. We have been analysing paragraph from our current novel 'The Firework- Maker's Daughter.' The Alligators are becoming excellent writers, starting to proof check their writing and polishing with purple pen.


We finished our DT unit from last term but testing our wooden DT mazes. We then carried out an evaluation, stating what we would do differently next time.



As well as this, this week we carried out our first Forest School session. Here we explored our beautiful wooden areas in our grounds, foraging for flowers and fauna. In pairs we located tree leaves and spring flowers. It was lovely to do this in the glorious sunshine!



Congratulations to the following pupils:

Pupil of the Week: Phoebe

Marvellous Mathematician: Charlie

Raffle ticket winners: Charlie, Kaylah and Phoebe

Reading Raffle: Ibrahim

  • Barley Close Community Primary School
  • Barley Close, Mangotsfield, Bristol
  • United Kingdom, BS16 9DL
  • Tel: 01454 867090
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