
Barley Close Community Primary School
Resilience, Kindness and Curiosity

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Sports Clubs

'Priority Sports' Clubs - Free!

These are open to all children and lead by professional sporting coaches. These are run during lunchtimes and after school. 

Please join in at lunchtime and sign up for afterschool clubs. 


Lunchtime Clubs: Please just turn up and get involved! 


Term 1 

Lunchtime Clubs (Priority Sports) 

Tuesday Lunchtime  - Football, Tennis and Cricket KS1 and 2 
Thursday Lunchtime  - Football, Tennis and Cricket KS1 and 2 
Friday Lunchtime  - Football, Tennis and Cricket KS1 and 2 



After School Clubs: Please sign up in advance. 


After School Clubs Term 1 

Yoga (First Sports -see flyer) MondayRec-Yr 6
Girls football (Teacher led - Elise)MondayYr 4-6
Athletics (Teacher led -Mrs Williams) Wednesday  - 3.15-4KS2
Dodgeball (Priority Sports)Tuesday  - 3.15-4.14 KS2
Netball (Teacher led -Mrs Prideaux) Friday  - 3.15-4KS2
Football (Priority Sports)Monday 3.15-4.15Yr 4-6
Football (Priority Sports)Friday 3.15-4.15Yr 1-3

Yoga club

Please Sign up to any Bristol Sports Foundation Clubs by following the link below: 


Bristol sport foundation clubs now can be booked- starting 15th sept


Please sign up to any Priority Sports Clubs by following the link below: 


Term 1 and 2 after school clubs available to book:

Please sign up to any Teacher Led Sports Clubs by emailing:



  • Barley Close Community Primary School
  • Barley Close, Mangotsfield, Bristol
  • United Kingdom, BS16 9DL
  • Tel: 01454 867090
  • Email: