Monday 2nd September | Inset |
Tuesday 3rd September Wednesday 4th September
| Term 1 begins Group A Children to attend 8:45-11:30am Group B Children to attend 12:30-315pm |
Thursday 5th September Friday 6th September | All children to attend from 8:45am - 1:15pm |
9th September onwards | All children fulltime: 8:45am - 3:15pm |
Wednesday 11th September | Early Reading Presentation 2:30pm |
Friday 11th October | Inset |
Friday 25th October | End of Term 1 |
Monday: PE, children need to come to school dressed in their PE kit.
Friday: Book change day.
Week 1
What an amazing first week, the children should be proud of how they have coped with all the new experiences.
On Tuesday we explored the areas of our room and how to use them.
On Wednesday we explored the wider school finding where we will have lunch and our siblings classrooms.
Thursday saw all the children together for the first time. They stayed for lunch and unfortunately experienced their first "wet play".
Friday we had our first group time, completing our first piece of work for our Learning diary.
Next week they are fulltime and our normal daily routine will be implemented. We will start phonics and drawing club.
Week 2
The children coped very well with full time, although I think there were some tired children by the end of the week.
We had our first PE lesson, where we got used to going to the hall and we played some listening games.
We started dough disco every morning to strength and warm up our fingers ready for writing.
We began our journey of learning to read and write with Phonics. The children learnt the sounds m, a, s, d and t and learnt the formation rhymes to help write the letters.
In Maths we looked at the numerals 1 and 2 and the relationship between them.
In carpet time after lunch we discussed why we have rules and what rules we should have in our classroom: Super sitting with magnet eyes and listening ears; Choose it, use it, put it away, Be kind. We also discussed our families and how every family is different.
We used the book "My Play Can Be....." for Drawing Club, using it as a stimulus to draw our favourite toys and games.
Week 3
In Phonics this week we have learnt the sounds i, n, p, g and o. We have also started Wordtime in which we use magnetic tiles to create cvc words using the previous week's sounds.
In Maths we focused on numbers 3 and 4. We created sets of objects to match each numeral and used the Numberblocks videos to see the relationship between each of them.
For Drawing Club we used Goldilocks and the Three Bears as our text. We drew the characters and the setting.
In PE we had different stations to practice our balance, our jumping skills and our core strength.
We made the most of the sunshine and enjoyed the outdoor area where we made "ice creams and cupcakes", we played tag and What's the Time Mr Wolf?
Week 4
In Phonics this week we learnt c, k, u, b and f. We continued to do Wordtime blending and making the various words using m, a, s, d, t, i, n, p, g, o such as dog or mat.
In Maths we looked at the 5ness of 5 and sang 5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed. We also practised subitising amounts 1 - 3. This means knowing how many are there without counting, we also played 3 or not 3.
In Drawing Club we used the text "Little Red Riding Hood" to inspire our drawings of the character and the setting.
Week 5
This week we welcomed Miss Seward to our team.
In phonics this week to learnt the sounds e, l, h, r and j, and we continued to use the sounds for blending and creating words during Wordtime.
In Maths we looked at Repeating Pattern by continuing and correcting some 2 step patterns. We also looked at what we need to do to ensure our counting is careful and correct by "teaching" Mr Todd, our class fox, what to do. We decided we needed to line the objects up, start at 1 and say the numbers in order as we tap each object once. We also applied this skill to counting sounds and actions. so if we are counting claps we say the number when our hands come together, or our feet touch the ground when counting jumps.
For Drawing Club we used the book "Hello Autumn" by Jo Lindley. We drew the main character Autumn, the setting, Season's Isle and what our favourite season is.
We also used this book as a discussion about seasons and the differences are and what we can expect in Autumn.
Week 6
This week Mrs Morga join our team.
In Phonics this week we learnt the sounds v, y, w and z. We also continued word time to practise blending the sounds to make words.
In Maths we took an introductory look at 2D shapes, looking at the similarities and differences between the shapes and what objects the shapes reminded us of.
We looked at finding groups of objects within a picture of lots of things, using the sentence "I can see a group of ......"
This week was Space week so we used the book "Whatever Next!" by Jill Murphy as our text for Drawing Club, drawing the character, setting and designing our own rockets. We also ordered the events of the story.
Week 7
In Phonics this week we learnt our last single sound, x and our first diagraph, sh. These are 2 letters which together make 1 sound and we refer to these as Special Friends. We also have been working on blending cvc words using our Fred Talk.
In Maths we continued our look at 2D shapes and focused on what makes a circle a circle. We looked at the curved edge and the fact that it doesn't have any corners. We also looked at quantity. We reminded ourselves about careful counting first. we then began to compare quantities, looking at who has more, using the sentence ___ has more than ___.
We used the text "Aliens love Underpants" for Drawing club. We drew our alien, the back garden and designed our own underpants.
In independent learning we made papier-mache planets, playdough aliens and space scenes.
Week 8
This week we took our inspiration from "Room on the Broom", our text for Drawing Club. We drew the Witch, the skies she flew in, and invented our own broomsticks.
In Phonics we learnt the new sounds th and ch and continued to practice Fred Talking and blending cvc words. We also started to look at Red words which are words that we can't blend. We started with a, I and the.
In Maths we again compared quantities, this time looking for which was fewer.
We also revisited our careful counting as we counted objects into the cauldron to create our spells.
We learnt to recognise the Hungarian Dice Pattern as a quick way to recognise 5 objects without counting.
On Friday we decorated biscuits with scary pictures and ate them whilst watching "Room on the Broom" as our end of term treat.
And with that Term 1 has finished and the children should be proud with how the have transitioned into school life and progress they have already made.