
Barley Close Community Primary School
Resilience, Kindness and Curiosity

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Intent, Implementation and Impact for PE at Barley Close


Intent:  It is our intent at Barley Close that all children should have access to two hours of curriculum time each week for school lessons to keep them active and make them have a greater understanding of the effects of exercise on their bodies.  We strive to give them other opportunities outside of curriculum time in as wide a range of sports as possible so that they have the best possible chance of finding at least one sport they can have a passion for.  We want them to understand the concept of personal best and healthy competition against themselves, in intra-school competition and in inter-school competition.  Above all else, we want them to understand the importance of fair play and respect to anyone they encounter in their sporting adventures.


Implementation and Impact:


PE Lessons

Intent of action – Two hours of timetabled lessons each week for every pupil, allowing pupils to develop themselves as a whole person, build a sound knowledge of basic skills, develop the values of the school’s PE ethos and to build a positive relationship with physical health.


How is it implemented – All staff have access to a bank of structured lessons with our IPep scheme of work. Hall space, outside space and the school swimming pool are timetabled in order to give each class an opportunity to access PE lessons. Each lesson plan is pre-created but gives the teacher flexibility to alter elements in order to give the pupils the best learning experience. Teachers will make links to the school values where appropriate in order to enhance children’s understanding of the values associated to physical health and sport.


How will impact be measured?-  IPeP scheme of work has an inbuilt assessment system to help us track how the children are progressing through the fundamental movement skills across their whole school career.  Teachers will have chance in staff meetings to share feedback on effectiveness of the lessons.  We are constantly in touch with our own PE coaches, Progressive Sport and our own school sports partnership (CSET SSP) to ensure curriculum knowledge is up to date.


Extra-Curricular Activity

Intent of action – To offer maximum opportunity to children of all circumstances to enjoy clubs and initiatives outside of school hours – allowing pupils to develop themselves as a whole person, build a sound knowledge of basic skills and build a positive relationship with physical health.


How is it implemented – We have used some of the Sports Premium Budget to provide places for vulnerable children in sports clubs. We also have after-school clubs that can be paid for by the parents. The sports and age groups vary each term so that more children have the option to access them. The clubs are heavily promoted through letter distribution, email correspondence and presentations in class and assembly. We are also developing our lunch time provision to train older children to deliver games.  We also have members of staff who run sports clubs in their own time regularly throughout the whole year and organise inter-school competitions in order for children to experience healthy competition.


How is impact measured – The clubs are all run by teachers or professional sports coaches who use their own internal assessment and monitoring to ensure high-quality provision. We have an open dialogue with them in order to align our expectations. Participation is monitored in order to make sure we are offering the best clubs that are being enjoyed by the children – and we have the opportunity to stop clubs that aren’t working well and replace them with different age groups and sports.

Progression document

Forest School

  • Barley Close Community Primary School
  • Barley Close, Mangotsfield, Bristol
  • United Kingdom, BS16 9DL
  • Tel: 01454 867090
  • Email: