Friday 15th December
We made it to the end of Term 2 and have had a super fun week!!
This week in Alligator Class we have been very creative, creating lots of Christmas crafts. The Alligators loved making their own cards, paper chains and pictures. We have had so much fun as well as showing many acts of kindness, sharing craft items with friends, taking turns in games and giving out cards.
It has been a wonderful week.
Thank you so much for all your support this term parents and carers. Have a fantastic break and I will look forward to seeing you all in the New Year.
Congratulations to the following pupils:
Pupil of the Term: Phoebe
Reading ambassador of the term: Fhareeha
Raffle ticket winners: Nicolas, Layla and Esmee
Reading Raffle Winner: Kaylah
Friday 9th December 2023
This week in Alligator class we have been busy getting creative!!
In our DT unit this term we have become engineers, looking at designing a building that would be earthquake proof. This week we built our building using cardboard and Mrs Garland shook them to see how earthquake proof they were. The Alligators worked great as a team, taking on different roles within the project, putting their communication skills to the test. It was great fun!
In English this week we have been analysing non-fictions text, looking at their features and how they inform the reader. We have been reading an article written by David Attenborough on the North and South Poles.
In Maths this week we have moved on to our new unit, learning about fractions. The Alligators have had great fun using Lego to learning to identifying fractions, making their own towers of Lego blocks and writing questions for each other on the fractions of different coloured blocks.
Congratulations to the following pupils:
Pupil of the Week: Charlie
Marvellous Mathematician of the Week: Yashika
Raffle ticket winners: Jenson and Nicolas
Reading Raffle Winner: Ibrahim
Friday 30th November
How is it almost December? We have definitely felt it get colder this week!
The Alligators have shown great resilience this week, really applying themselves in our assessments in Maths and English. I could not be more proud of them.
In the afternoons we have had great fun in our foundation subjects. In DT we are currently working as engineers and have been designing our Earthquake proof buildings. We are all very excited to be building these out of cardboard next week.
In music we have enjoyed learning to play the Glockenspiel, playing along to songs on the big screen. We have worked very well doing this in pairs, being excellent musicians.
Congratulations to the following pupils:
Pupil of the Week: Kaylah
Marvellous Mathematician of the Week: Ronnie
Raffle ticket winners: Fhareeha and Harry
Reading Raffle Winner: Alfie
Friday 17th November
This week in Alligator Class we have had lots going on!!
In English we have been continuing looking at character description for our main character Brian. We have moved on from describing his appearance to looking at how his personality changes throughout the book.
In Maths we are continuing to learn how to tell the time, we are now able to tell the time '5 minutes later' and '5 minutes earlier.' This is not something that we have all found easy, but the Alligators have shown great resilience.
In Science this week we have been conducting our very own investigation. We have been learning about friction and how it is different on different surfaces, testing toy cars, recording how far they travel. The Alligators demonstrated great team work during these investigations.
Congratulations to the following pupils:
Pupil of the Week: Bella
Marvellous Mathematician of the Week: Piper
Raffle ticket winners: Fhareeha and Esmee
Reading Raffle Winner: Alfie
Friday 10rd November 2023
Despite the wet week, we have had a brilliant week in Alligator class.
This week we have continued our Geography topic 'Extreme Earth' where we looked at how the Earth is made up of tectonic plates. The children were very interested to learn about how volcanoes and earthquakes happen when these plates move.
In English we have started reading our new book 'The invisible boy' looking at character description and how as authors we can describe a characters appearance as well as their personality traits.
In our computing sessions we began creating animations on scratch, Alligator class enjoyed doing this very much.
Congratulations to the following pupils:
Pupil of the Week: Sum Ying
Marvellous Mathematician of the Week: Ibrahim
Raffle ticket winners: Phoebe and Ibrahim
Reading Raffle Winner: Alfie
Friday 3rd November 2023
We have had a wonderful first week back in Alligator Class!!
This week we have begun our new topics, which has been very exciting. In Geography unit 'Extreme Earth' we began to look at the structure of the Earth, talking about the different layers and what they are made of. In our new Science unit, we learnt about magnetism and which metals are magnetic. This is part of our new topic 'forces and magnets.'
In English we have re-visited some of our basics, such as accurate sentence structure, looking at suffixes and sentence openers. In Maths we have been learning about how to demonstrate multiplication on a number line. In these lessons we have been focusing hard on our book presentation.
Congratulations to the following pupils:
Pupil of the Week: Harmony
Marvellous Mathematician of the Week: Harry
Raffle ticket winners: Willow and Layla
Reading Raffle Winner: Ibrahim