Term 1 Week 8 Learning Update.
English: We followed on from our learning about the story Aliens Love Underpants by making model aliens out of recycling and describing them using adjectives. The children really enjoyed making their aliens!
Maths: We continued our learning about addition by adding two numbers together and writing number sentences using the + and = symbols. We practised our addition skills be tackling some reasoning challenges, for example finding all the possible ways to make 6p using coins.
PE: As part of our PE lessons, we taught the children some skipping rope skills. They loved coming up with different ways to use a skipping rope individually and in pairs.
Spellings: We have not sent home spelling words to practise over half term. Instead, we have sent home a sheet with a list of Year 1 "red words"- these are words that are spelled in an irregular way so the children cannot use phonics to sound them out. Please practise these words with your child during the half term break and encourage them to practise neat handwriting.
Art/ Computing: We used the skills we have learned in Art and Computing this term by programming Beebots to draw lines and spirals then colouring between the lines to make abstract art. The children really enjoyed this activity!
Term 1 Week 7 Learning Update:
English: We finished our unit based on the story Aliens Love Underpants. The children wrote letters to the aliens, using pairs of adjectives joined by "and".
Maths: We began learning about addition, using number bonds to help us. Here is a game your child can try at home to practise their number bonds: Save The Whale: Learn bonds of 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 or 5 (ictgames.com)
History: We compared the British astronaut Tim Peake and American astronaut Neil Armstrong.
Computing: We explored devices that input and output data. The children sorted the input devices from the output devices.
PE: We tried out different obstacle courses to practise the skills we have learned in Athletics this term.
Spellings quiz for 24th October:
The rule this week is: consonant blend ‘ng’.
Term 1 Week 6 Learning Update:
English: We began our unit learning to use the conjunction "and" to join words, e.g. "There was a swing and a slide". We read the story Aliens Love Underpants and the children thought it was hilarious when the aliens visited our classroom overnight and left underpants everywhere for us to write about!
Maths: We continued our learning about place value by comparing numbers, ordering numbers and filling in gaps in a numberline.
History: We continued our learning about the astronaut Tim Peake and learned about his work on the ISS.
RE: We talked about Judaism and discussed Shabbat, the day of rest.
Computing: We discussed programming and worked in pairs and give and action instructions.
Spellings quiz for 17th October:
The rule this week is: consonant blend ‘sh’.
Term 1 Week 5 Learning Update.
English: We wrote our own sets of instructions for making a rocket out of a toilet roll tube. We used the words first, then, next and finally in our writing and focussed on capital letters and full stops.
Maths: We practised counting on and back to find 1 more and 1 less and we compared groups of objects using the language more, less and equal to.
Science/ Forest School: We went outside and looked at clouds as part of our learning about the weather.
Computing: We learned the word "algorithm" and explored how to program electronic toys such as Beebots.
History: This week we learned about the British astronaut Tim Peake. We enjoyed our class quiz about his adventure to Space!
Spellings quiz for 10th October:
The rule this week is: consonant blend ‘th’.
Term 1 Week 4 learning update:
We have sent home the first set of spelling this week, Please help your child to practise spelling these words. We will test them every Thursday.
English: We used a set of instructions to build rockets from toilet roll tubes! The children had great fun completing this activity!
Maths: We continued our learning about number and place value- learning to spell numbers written as words, finding 1 more and practising logging into MyMaths to access our online learning activities.
Science: We explored natural materials and thought about what they are made of. We discussed that some natural materials share the name of the material they are made from, whereas others have a different name, e.g. "rock" and "log".
PE: We worked in teams to create our own competitive games. The children loved solving problems together.
Art: We created spiral pictures using chalks and oil pastels. We also used the oil pastels in our Busy Time to explore what we could do with them!
Spellings quiz for
3rd October:
The rule this week is: consonant blend ‘ch’
Term 1 Week 3 Learning Update:
We have had another lovely week! Thank you to everyone who has sent in toilet rolls this week- the children are excited to use them in a craft activity next week! Thank you to everyone who has supported their child to complete their MyMaths homework!
English: We have finished our unit about the story "Man on the Moon". We wrote character descriptions of the main character, Bob.
Maths: We have practised counting objects from a larger group, matching numbers to groups of objects and recognising and writing numbers as words. You could help your child with this learning by helping them to practise writing numbers as words up to 20.
History: This week, we have been learning about the astronaut Tim Peake.
RE: We talked about what it means to belong to a community.
Art: We made giant compasses and used them to draw spirals outside, using the work of artist Molly Haslund as our inspiration.
Science: We talked about the materials that different objects are made from. The children had a great time labelling objects all around the classroom with post-it notes to show which materials it was made from!
Term 1 Week 2 Learning Update:
We have had another lovely week in Year 1! The children are getting used to our routines and they are really enjoying tackling some more challenging learning. This week, we have started our MyMaths online homework- this is something that the rest of the school participates in every week and the children are really excited to join in! Logins are being sent home in a letter and they will also have a login label stuck into their reading records next week. We will set at least one activity each week to be completed at home.
We have begun our learning about the story "Man on the Moon". The children have really enjoyed this book. We are working towards writing a character description of the main character, Bob, next week.
We have practised basic Maths skills this week based around number and shape- counting, finding 1 more and 1 less and identifying 2D shapes.
We have started our learning about materials- exploring items and finding out what they are made of.
The children loved inventing their own games this week as part of our Creative Learning unit!
We have been learning about Space. We found out about Neil Armstrong and talked about what the children already know about Space.
We started our "Spirals" unit- the children explored different mark-making tools including special graphite pencils, and drew shells using the pen/ pencil of their choice.
Term 1 Week 1 learning update:
We have had a lovely first week in Year 1! The children have settled in really well and we have really enjoyed getting to know them!
The children were all given a reading book and reading record to bring home today- please ensure your child has a bookbag or backpack to keep their books and other items in.
We have made a great start to our Year 1 learning this week!
English: We practised some basic writing skills such as capital letters and full stops.
Maths: We practised our number skills by finding ways to make 5 using numbers and objects.
RE: We talked about belonging and the children drew a self-portrait.
Science: We talked about the weather and the children came up with fantastic questions about how weather changes.