
Barley Close Community Primary School
Resilience, Kindness and Curiosity

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Friday 25th October:


Happy half term! 8 weeks was a very long term, but in Elephants we have all worked hard and made so much progress. We are now following the class and school routines really well. This week in maths we have been +/- fractions with different denominators. In English we have learnt how to use parenthesis. In art we created maps using typography and we added 3D elements. 


Well done to:

Pupil of the term:

Sports person of the week: 

Friday 18th October: 


What a lovely week we have had in year 5 this week!
In maths we started our fractions topic. We looked at equivalent fractions, comparing fractions and adding fractions - everyone showed great resilience!   In English we did an extended write about Floella's journey to England and we included relative clauses.  In art we created Typography in the style of Louise Filli. 


Well done to:


Pupil of the week: Kavell

Wicked Writer: Fabian 

Friday 11th October: 


Another great week in Elephants class, with lots of learning and hard work! 
In maths we continued our multiplication and division topic and we were looking at square and cube numbers, bus stop method for division and column method for multiplication. In English we have been looking at how to use relative clauses and relative pronouns. In history we learnt about the Mayans calendar and in science we looked at materials that make the best insulators and we carried out a practical investigation to test it. Lots of our children we trained to be part of the schools new active crew and they were praised for their positive attitudes and encouragment to the younger children. 


Well done to:


Pupil of the week: Theo

Creative Champion: Gabriella

African Workshop

Friday 4th October: 


Another great week in Elephants class, with lots of learning and hard work! 
In maths we started our multiplication and division topic and we were looking at factors, multiples and prime numbers. In English we completed our extended write - a travel brochure convincing people to come to England. In history we learnt about the Mayans number system and in science we looked at reversible and irreversible changes. On Thursday we had an African poetry and art workshop. During this we wrote a class poem about black people who changed the world and we created lots of different art work. It was great fun!


Well done to:


Pupil of the week: Henry 

Reading ambassador: Thierry 

Friday 27th September:


This week in maths we continued to focus on and recap our knowledge of addition and subtraction including word problems and reasoning. In English, we were learning about modal verbs and adverbs of possibility and putting these into persuasive writing. In History we talked about the belief of Mayans and in science we were learning about evaporation. We had a great music lesson learning an Egyptian song. We also had our first well deserved class party this week!


Well done to: 

Humanities expert: Kayden

Pupil of the week: Neveah 

Friday 20th September: 

What a lovely week we have had in elephant class. This week in maths we have been focusing on addition and subtraction of numbers with 5 or more digits. In English we were writing balanced arguments with a focus on fronted adverbials. The children really impressed me this week with their editing skills! In science we learnt about separating and carried out an investigation to see different ways that we can separate substances. In history we learnt about Chichen Itza and its importance to the mayans. In art we started our typography topic. 

Congratulations to:

Pupil of the week: Aimee 

Technology wizard: Mandela 

Friday 13th September


We have had another great week in year 5. In maths we continued looking at place value and adding 10,100,1000 and 10,000 to any given number. In English we have started planning to write a balanced argument 'should Peter read the book 'How to live forever'?'  We are focusing on using fronted adverbials in our writing. In History we were writing a report on how the Mayans lived, including their homes, buildings, clothes and food. In science we started our new topic materials and completed our first lesson on dissolving. In PE we have started looking at skills to buil up to playing cricket. 


Well done to: 


Pupil of the week: Jude

Scientist of the week: Sonny

Friday 6th Sept


We have had a great first week in year 5 learning our our new rules and expectations and seeing what it is like to be in year 5. We had our first swimming lesson which went really well and the children have clear targets to work on. In maths we were learning about place value and numbers up to 1 million. In English we recapped the non negotiables such as punctuation, expanded noun phrases and handwriting. We started our new history topic the Mayans and we started up our French lessons again. 


Well done to Huxley our pupil of the week and Henry our mathematician!

  • Barley Close Community Primary School
  • Barley Close, Mangotsfield, Bristol
  • United Kingdom, BS16 9DL
  • Tel: 01454 867090
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