Term 2 Week 6 Learning Update:
We are sure you'll agree, we are so proud of the children's Christmas performances this week! They handled the performances brilliantly and had so much fun learning all the songs.
English: We finished our unit based on the story of The Snowman. We rewrote the story using "and" to join words and clauses in our sentences. The children have really enjoyed this story!
Maths: We have been learning to recognise, name and make patterns with 2D and 3D shapes.
DT: We learned about sliders and levers and designed our own moving Christmas cards.
Spellings quiz for 19th December:
The rule this week is: word ending ‘nk’.
Term 2 Week 5 Learning Update.
English- We have begun a unit about the story The Snowman. The children have loved this beautiful story. They really enjoyed making their own snowmen out of paper.
Maths- We have begun learning about 3D shapes.
Geography- We learned about Scotland- we located it on a map, looked at the flag and found out some fun facts about Scotland.
PE- Our PE coaches worked on jumping with control, including using apparatus.
Spellings quiz for 12th December:
The rule this week is: word ending ‘ck’.
Term 2 Week 4 Learning Update:
English- We finished our unit about dragons and wrote non-chronological reports using capital letters, full stops and question marks.
Maths- We learned about subtraction and practised using numberlines to help with both addition and subtraction.
Geography- We learned about Wales- how to locate it on a map, how to travel there and all about the capital city of Wales. The children have really enjoyed colouring in pictures of the Welsh flag in their Busy Time!
PE- Our coaches continued teaching the children about how to do a handstand safely, also practising using our hands and feet to hop over a gymnastics bench.
Spellings quiz for 6th December:
The rule this week is: vowel digraph ‘ow’.
Term 2 Week 3 Learning Update:
English: We have begun a new non-fiction unit learning to write non-chronological reports about dragons. The children are practising their capital letters and punctuation and this week we have introduced question marks.
Maths: We have introduced subtraction this week and used it to find "fact families"- groups of number sentences that are linked. For example, 7-2=5 is the inverse of 5+2=7. Understanding the links between calculations at this stage encourages children to find patterns that can help them in later years.
Geography: This week the children learned about the country of England, about its capital city and how to find it on a map.
PE: The children learned how to safely practise doing a handstand with our PE coaches.
Science: The children continued to explore materials and everyday objects made from different materials. The children had great fun labelling items around the classroom with the material they were made from!
Computing: The children recapped how to login to a computer and learned the new skill of clicking and dragging objects.
Spellings quiz for 28th November:
The rule this week is: vowel digraph ‘igh’.
Term 2 Week 2 Learning Update:
English- We finished our unit based on the story Room on the Broom. The children wrote spells to make magic potions.
Maths- We have been practising using teen numbers this week- partitioning them into tens and ones and also finding one more and one less.
Computing- We learned how to log on to a computer using a keyboard. Many of the children found this difficult- you could support this learning at home by encouraging your child to log in to MyMaths themselves, rather than logging in for them.
Geography- The children continued their learning about the UK by locating all four nations that make up the UK and labelling them on a map.
PE- Our PE coaches did a fantastic gymnastics session, teaching the children a range of movements using apparatus safely. They began learning how to do a basic somersault on a ramp safely.
Spellings quiz for 21st November:
The rule this week is: vowel digraph ‘ee’.
Term 2 Week 1 learning update:
English- We began our learning about the story Room on the Broom. We have been reading recipes and writing sentences for a recipe to make a potion.
Maths- We have been learning about "teen" numbers and how to make and draw them using tens and ones.
Computing- We began learning about digital imagery and how we can tell a story using pictures. The children planned their own photo stories.
Science- We used our senses to explore the properties of materials.
Geography- We discussed what we learn about in Geography lessons. We explored maps, atlases and globes and used them to find the UK.
Spellings quiz for 14th November:
The rule this week is: vowel digraph ‘ay’.