
Barley Close Community Primary School
Resilience, Kindness and Curiosity

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Term 6 (Jun - Jul)

Key Dates for Term 6

Monday 3rd June

Term 6 begins

Monday 24th June


Friday 12th July 

Reports sent home

Tuesday 23rd July

End of Term 6.

Week 1.

What a busy first week back!  The children have been excited to learn about life under the sea using our English non fiction text.  Children labelled parts of a fish and created their own non fiction text using their new knowledge.  In maths we thought about capacity using vocabulary of half, empty and full.  We filled containers with different objects and described our actions.  The children also thought about sinking and floating and which objects have these properties.  It was sports day and also the first swimming and computing sessions.  

Week 2

In English this week we studied the book " The Night Pirates" by Peter Harris. We created our own treasure maps and thought about the things we would need if we were pirates.

In Maths we began looking at number bonds to 10. We were pirates who stole treasure from the chest and used our knowledge of bonds to 10 to work out how many had been taken.

In swimming we split into smaller groups to build on our previous skills.

In computing we learnt how to log on and off of the computers and how to use the mouse pad.

Week 3

This week we studied the book "Billy and the Pirates" by Nadia Shireen. The children recognised the characters from previously reading "Billy and the Dragon". In this book Billy and Fat Cat find a message in a bottle and are captured by pirates. We thought about why the character sent a message in a bottle and then wrote our own message in a bottle. We also used images from the book to help us recount events from the story.

In Maths we revised number bonds to 10 and used Numicon tiles to cement our knowledge.

In computing we again practiced logging on and off and we refined our mouse pad skills by using the paint program to create pictures.

Week 4

This week was National Insect week so in English we studied the book "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" by Eric Carle. We thought about things we could do to help insects, such as keeping a section of grass longer, planting flowers or making a small pond. We used our previous learning about lifecycles and applied it to the different stages of the butterfly lifecycle.

In Maths we revisited doubling and learnt about halving; and for it to be a half the 2 portions have to be equal. We realised that halving is the opposite of doubling.

We also recapped 3 step repeating patterns by continuing or correcting patterns created on caterpillar segments.

In Forest School we went bug hunting, finding plenty of different insects and spiders. We didn't find any caterpillars but we did spot a couple of butterflies. We collected natural materials which we brought back to the classroom to make a collage of The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

In PSHE we discussed the things that might worry us about moving up to Year 1 and created a list of questions to ask our new teachers on Move Up day next week.

Week 5

This week we have been looking at how we have grown and changed, and we looked forward to what we would like to do "when we are big". We read the book "When I'm Big" by Debi Gliori. 

In Maths we revised both time and 1 more and 1 less.

Wednesday was Move up day where the children spent the day meeting their new teachers and exploring their new classrooms.


Week 6.

Science week!  Children had such a fun week exploring the properties of different liquids in a chemistry workshop.  They considered physical materials and which were bendy or rigid.  They had a go at entering the poster competition examining Time, well done to our winners!  To top it off we had the bird man come and show us some beautiful Hawks, Eagles and Barn Owl which captivated the children.  


Week 7.

The children have made it to their final full week of term! We enjoyed our book Handa's surprise this week and used it to supplement some work on animals after our trip to the zoo.  The children enjoyed seeing the giraffe, zebra, bears and wolves at the Bristol Wild place project. 

They also watched the dress rehearsal of Year 6 play.

  • Barley Close Community Primary School
  • Barley Close, Mangotsfield, Bristol
  • United Kingdom, BS16 9DL
  • Tel: 01454 867090
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