You are invited to the first meeting of Barley Close C.A.N (Children with additional needs)
Our first meeting will take place on Thursday 15th October in the Learning Zone @2.30pm. Look out for the flyer coming home with your child this week.
Barley Close C.A.N (Children with Additional Needs) is a new friendly and supportive parents group for those who have children with additional needs. It is open to all parents of any child from nursery to year 6.
Termly meetings will be held to provide advice, support and information on a range of subjects. The group is designed for you and will be built around the needs of you and your child. From time to time experts may be invited to talk about specific needs.
Mrs King (SENCO) will lead meetings and is your point of contact should you require any help. Please pop into the school office to contact me or catch me on the playground!