30th March 2020
Dear Families,
Following all the recent school closures, we have all worked quickly to support you at this difficult time. For all children who are in receipt of FSM, free school meals, we have provided a packed lunch from our caterers, Integra, for you to come and collect daily. Sadly the take up hasn’t been huge, we know that this is for a number of reasons- being in self isolation, living too far away, not wanting to put yourself at risk.
We fully understand this so have decided to stop the sandwiches as of 31st March but instead issue a £15 e-voucher per FSM child that will be text to you on 1st April with a cheque number and validation code each week. To redeem the e-voucher you will need to go to www.vouchershopexchange.co.uk and enter your number and code and then choose which supermarket e-voucher you would like. You can redeem it in Sainsburys, Tesco, Asda or Morrisons by printing it out or showing on a digital device. It CANNOT be used online and you need to use the voucher in one transaction (you cannot spend £10 one day and save the £5 for another day). Some restrictions are in place so they cannot be spent on lottery tickets, scratch cards and petrol.
These are vouchers for you to spend on food for your children so they can continue to thrive when we know things are tough financially for so many.
If your child is coming to school as you are a key worker then they will now need to bring their own packed lunch each day as no food will be on school site.
Take care and stay safe and healthy.
Yours sincerely
Mrs J Williams
Head Teacher