Reach is a free and fun programme for families with children and young people aged 4-16 years who are above a healthy weight
Reach group programmes: Reach offers two types of family group programmes: 4-11 years and 11+ years. The sessions are free and usually run for 10 weeks at a leisure
centre or other community settings. Here are the details for programmes starting
January 2019:
Programme location Start date Time Programme length Bradley Stoke Leisure Centre
Tuesday 22nd January 2019
10 weeks
Kingswood Leisure Centre
Thursday 31st January 2019
10 weeks Programme location Start date Time Programme length Yate Fire Station (Delivered in partnership with Avon Fire & Rescue)
Thursday 24th January 2019
10 weeks
Parents/carers can self-refer
Practitioners and health professionals can also refer
You can make a referral by sending a referral form ( or contact us by calling: 01454 864005 or email:
Extra family physical activity sessions will also be running alongside these
programmes, speak to the Reach team to find out more