Chris Skidmore MP visited Barley Close Primary School today. He spoke to the whole school about being an MP and the aspects of his job. He then answered questions from the children. Mrs Welch who organised the visit was really pleased that the children had some probing questions and that their daily Newsround watch had made the children more aware of current affairs and the issues we are facing today. Chris had to answer questions like ‘How much do your earn?’ ‘Do you prefer Teresa May or Boris Johnson?’ ‘What do you think about Brexit?’ ‘What do you think we can do to stop climate change?’ and ‘Do you think it is fair that footballers make more money than nurses and Doctors?’
Chris Skidmore said ‘It was fantastic to come and talk to pupils about the impact of democracy and why everyone, regardless of political views, should vote. I was really impressed by the quality of questions that were being asked by pupils- it was clear that there are some budding MPs of the future.’
Piper was really pleased to ask what she had to do to become an MP. Her ambition is to be Prime Minister one day.