Unless we hear other wise we are planning for school to be open as of June 1st for Reception, yr 1 and 6. Our keyworker children will be continuing to come as they have done from the start. with so much info I though I would do a short over view of key things.
One way system is place around school- entry to school via school car park and Stockwell Drive. Exit via side gates leading to The laurels. Laurels top gates will be locked so you will need to walk through the field- video on You tube shows the route.
Please call (01454 967090) or email (enquiries@barleyclose.org.uk) the school office only.
If your child is coming back they can wear own clothes- they need clean clothes daily.
No pencil cases should be bought in.
Sun cream applied before coming into school. we will be outside more, limited shade so ensure hats, shoulders covered etc.
Need plenty to drink.
Only 1 person to drop off/pick up children from school
If you have different start and end times you can drop/pick up the others at the same time.
All staff are now in school supporting the children we will have in. Home learning for the other classes will continue but weekly updates and focus on online learning.
Class teachers won't be able to contact you as much, but any worries you have please email or call us.
South Glos have stopped staff using zoom as of June 1st so sadly we can't be part of your zoom chats any more- we can use Teams though.
We want everyone to stay safe so the guidance is for everyone's safety. Thank you all for supporting us all at this time.