
Barley Close Community Primary School
Resilience, Kindness and Curiosity

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REACH - 10 Week Activity Course

Kings’ Forest Primary School,

Station Road, Kingswood, Bristol, BS15 4PQ

Wednesdays 4.30pm -6.30pm, 14th Jan – 25th March 2015

 7 - 11 year olds and their families




REACH – Rethinking, eating and activity for children’s health is a 10 week course of fun and engaging activities for families which encourages them to make gradual changes to their lifestyle so that they will feel healthier, happier and fitter. Sessions include:


  • Activities based around the eat well plate model,
  • Information sessions on food labelling, fat, salt and sugar content in foods,
  • Food tasting and making healthy recipes, dips and fruit smoothies
  • Fun physical activities
  • Tips for parents and carers about behaviour change.


The Group programme for 7-11yr olds and their families starts on Wednesday 14th January in Kingswood. For more information please contact Active Lifestyles Coordinator, Helen Newberry on 01454 863937 or email


If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in contact.


Best Wishes,


Dave Pedley

Active Lifestyles


07887058475 (mobile)

South Gloucestershire Council

Department for Children, Adults and Health

Postal Address: P O Box 298, Health & Wellbeing Division, Civic Centre, Kingswood, Bristol,

BS15 0DQ

Work Base:

South Gloucestershire Council Office, Badminton Road, Yate BS37 5AF

  • Barley Close Community Primary School
  • Barley Close, Mangotsfield, Bristol
  • United Kingdom, BS16 9DL
  • Tel: 01454 867090
  • Email: